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Everything posted by aerxx

  1. 1bar -101dbm 2bar -97dbm This is what I have been averaging all day inside work. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Forum Runner
  2. Im finding the signal on this phone is terrrrrible. I get half the bars indoors that my OG EPIC would get..... Sent from my SPH-L710 using Forum Runner
  3. Uh oh...... http://mobile.theverge.com/2012/6/21/3105278/samsung-galaxy-s-iii-explosion-fire-ireland
  4. Gorgeous phone, charging then going to activate.....I'm simply amazed at how thin it is....
  5. YES!!!! On vehicle for delivery. Leaving work early!!!!!
  6. I was thinking the same damn thing, I actually LOVE Samsung's GUI. I actually think HTC's is too busy....
  7. you're so smart........ lol
  8. Thanks Robert. Sent from my Epic 4G (WiSuck) using Forum Runner
  9. Stupid question.......but will you only see eHRPD as the network on Netmonitor if you have an LTE capable device? Or will it show on my 3G/WiMax phone.....? Sent from my Epic 4G (WiSuck) using Forum Runner
  10. Just checked the site. Tracking Number Aquired. Sent from my Epic 4G (WiSuck) using Forum Runner
  11. Awesome write up. Can't wait to see some of these sites start to go live!
  12. I really hope Sprint is going be working overnight to get all these phones staged for tomorrow shipments..................................................................................
  13. Glad I ordered a 16GB.... Sent from my Epic 4G (WiSuck) using Forum Runner
  14. No clue. I hope so. Sent from my Epic 4G (WiSuck) using Forum Runner
  15. If this is the case.....Chicago is going to suuuuuuck.
  16. this is so true, the Chicago maps are CRAAAAAZY.
  17. Found out all the phones are shipping out of Kentucky. Just a little nugget.
  18. Looks like Samsung is getting an early start this morning!!!!!! [ATTACH]57[/ATTACH] Sent from my Epic 4G (WiSuck) using Forum Runner
  19. I'm sure they are told to say that at the store.....don't want to over promise.
  20. Come ooooooooon tracking number..... Sent from my Epic 4G (WiSuck) using Forum Runner
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