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Everything posted by aerxx

  1. LOL the doggie-san makes me laugh every time. http://mb.softbank.jp/en/price_plans/ Read the first two price plans.... LOL! Wonder if those will ever make it to the states.....
  2. So on all the active sites Ive had before.....Im now having to cycle airplane mode more and more......does that mean the sites are discoverable only?? Doesnt seem to want to auto-switch anymore.... Sent from my SPH-L710 using JB 4.1.1
  3. Downtown by the college. Just mapped a little bit on Sensorly. Sent from my SPH-L710 using JB 4.1.1
  4. Finally 4G in Wheaton. Maybe I will actually have it at work now!
  5. wow. Best Buy has gone down hill from what it once was...
  6. End of the episode was just how I wanted it to end. Not the biting, but the prisoners. Gonna make this season really really interesting.
  7. I can't see Sprint, sale or not, staying with the unlimited data forever. They will use it as long as they can to gain market share.
  8. There is a thread about it here .....wow....just wow. I'll let you post it an won't steal your thunder.
  9. My thinking exactly, goes to help keep the site up and running!
  10. They are available to sponsors. You can receive sponsorship by donating to the site. Check out this link. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/index There is a "Donate" button at the top right of the main Forum page. Donate what you are willing to, and you can receive access to the maps. Well worth it IMO.
  11. On second thought, It might not be the one on North Ave, I drive past it every day and as of Saturday I wasn't getting 4G. It might actually be the one by Graf Park.
  12. I wish I could mega-like this! Thanks Robert!
  13. WOW look at all the 4G accepted towers downtown Chicago! Looks like Sprint is gearing up for an official launch very soon!
  14. They might just be tinkering with the tower. The closes tower to you is 51st and Martin Luther King. Maps show its upgraded to 4G and accepted by sprint. Maybe they're doing work on it for 800mhz? But at this point I'm just guessing.
  15. we need an updated one of these. Pretty please.
  16. Mine has always been off. Always something to think about though. Sent from my SPH-L710 using JB 4.1.1
  17. There is a post about this somewhere...but the 4G cores were tested in Indiana when they were in Eastern time. Sprint is aware of the issue and its usually changed shortly after the tower is accepted by Sprint. Sent from my SPH-L710 using JB 4.1.1
  18. This is what I have been thinking about all day.....I dont want to become a number for some foreign company's bank statement.... Sent from my SPH-L710 using JB 4.1.1
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