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Everything posted by aerxx

  1. This is a problem across the board. S-voice does not work as advertised. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Forum Runner
  2. The speed of the phone helps a lot. Ive noticed that from going to the OG Epic to GSIII....but those speeds indicate a good backbone and minimal network saturation. Ive received 2.5mbp down and 1mbp up on a 3G tower in the country with a new backhaul and probably nobody connected to the tower. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Forum Runner
  3. up until now, have you also been getting a lot of dropped calls....?
  4. Keep in mind, these are 3G speeds you can look to get when NV installation is complete with a good backbone. I am not getting eHRPD at this tower. Which is surprising, because its on the June schedule to go live.
  5. For anyone that wants to root.
  6. Also, I'm sure this is the same across the board, but stock Samsung loaded apps (bloatware) can be disabled through the Application Manager.
  7. [ATTACH]71[/ATTACH] This is after 3 hours of 1 bar low signal and constantly switching to roaming with 50% brightness. All in all...I have to say given the size of the screen....the battery life is pretty damn good. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Forum Runner
  8. Finally had to plug in my phone.
  9. Thanks. moto4sho helped me out with this.
  10. Plus the Viper runs on Android 2.3 ...... Sent from my SPH-L710 using Forum Runner
  11. This is with CDMA/LTE radio on and screen at full brightness.
  12. I'm currently testing this today, but I also am running full screen brightness. I can tell you the battery life is better than expected. I could upload a screenshot of this, but to my surprise, Samsung still has not built in a stock way to capture a screen shot. And if they have, I have not found it yet.
  13. Were there supposed to be a few Tectiles in the box with the phone....? Sent from my SPH-L710 using Forum Runner
  14. 4 bar -87dbm 4asu 5 bar -83dbm 4asu 6 bar -69dbm 16asu Sent from my SPH-L710 using Forum Runner
  15. Im noticing this as well..... Sent from my SPH-L710 using Forum Runner
  16. I wish I had the forward thinking to buy accessories for this phone beforehand like you. After going to 3 different sprint stores today, I am now the proud owner of a Pebble Blue Body Glove case and a White GSIII....
  17. ;-) Sent from my SPH-L710 using Forum Runner
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