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Posts posted by jordanlong20

  1. Just ordered for Sprint via best buy. 


    $211 after tax, including 'expedited shipping' with a delivery targeted for 6 days from now. 


    do any of yall know about this refer a friend gift promotion? I can't find any terms or to see if i even qualify. the agent on the phone guaranteed me i was getting it (a $100 gift card, sent out 14 days after i activate my phone).



  2. all you do is tap vol up OR down.  then click 'none'.


    this means you will get no alerts/notifications/etc.


    my understanding is that this would just not give me the notification (which is not something i'm looking to do) - I just down't want the vibrate or sound.

  3. yeah, the silent mode being removed boggles my mind.

    GPS could be an issue. Is it not pinpointing your location correctly and causing navigation to be off? Cause that's a big problem if GPS isn't working right.


    Did you get the battery draining wifi bug?


    it knows my location - but doesn't follow me exactly when i'm moving. I have to tap resume - otherwise it leaves my marker where I was when i pressed 'start navigating' this is a bug that may have already been fixed since i last used navigation (thursday)


    I'm not sure if i've got the wifi battery bug - but i don't think so. 

  4. Just got the OTA notification for 5.0.


    Is it worth the jump considering a few of the bugs at this point?


    Id say yes


    my top 5 'issues' in no order


    1. full blown silent removed from ringer rocker

    2. Maps (yes google maps) not tracking me correctly when navigating

    3. Time running on battery (now shows just a date on a graph - not an hour figure) is gone from the battery area of settings

    4. The scrolling ticker for an incoming text message is gone - now its a persistent pop up that has to be swiped away

    5. tapping outside of the quick settings drop down doesn't consistently work

  5. Any of y'all have (multi) touch issues?


    For clarification: when trying to open received snapchats, I often will lose the snap before ever actually seeing it because the touch will trigger the countdown, but it won't register as consistent contact/long press, so its pretty much a failure.


    Doesn't happen on my N7 or any other devices.




    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

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