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Everything posted by TechSmurf

  1. Well, if CenturyLink isn't the problem, then I'm back to hunting AlcaLu decision makers with torches and pitchforks..
  2. Because Centurylink thought it would be a brilliant idea to move into this market by buying Qwest.
  3. Yes. Hawaii is the example of the worst case scenario for project speed. I have yet to find another area where a permit taking over a year to process is not surprising. When compared to Hawaii, everyone else loses their right to complain.
  4. It's been done for a while. They pulled the legacy gear down about a month ago. Still love how AT&T was too lazy to replace all 3 antennas per sector.
  5. Of course it's coming or they wouldn't have building permit applications in... But those permits are the real deciding factor now. They could easily spend the next 180 days continuing to wait for the permits and not get any tower work done.
  6. Your odds are quite good, Hypeo. Sprint seems to strongly prefer deploying LTE in places I can't use it, and Yuma definitely qualifies.
  7. My permit search only goes so far. The one iDEN conversion thus far was on federal land (no local permits). iDEN conversions that require permits will likely take as long to get permits for as existing sprint sites (no time soon), however no permit applications I have are known to be iDEN conversions at this time.
  8. April-May I was in Benson daily, and most days data was quite usable, but there were occasional outages due to NV upgrades. I don't expect it's somehow gotten worse.
  9. I somehow feel I shouldn't be surprised. The site is on base. I don't think they had to go through honolulu to get it done
  10. It might explain why towers seem to speed up then go back to a snail's pace if the backhaul is being rejected... but it doesn't explain why no LTE has come to Tucson or Phoenix, where you can't dig a 100' trench without hitting fiber.
  11. I've seen this a few times, but for some reason they seem to switch it back to the T1 backhaul after a day or two. I suspect it'll come back in force when the LTE integration team comes through (not that we'll notice at that point)
  12. So the only reason anyone's going to come across an Ericsson tech is if they're doing 3G acceptance or LTE Integration? (or doing regular maintenance, I guess)
  13. In AlcaLu territory, are the LTE integration teams still Ericsson?
  14. My strong bet runs out in 12 days. I'm getting my sprint store protest sign ready. AlcaLu's too slow for me, we want our **** LTE! Which store are you at, Halcyon?
  15. Maui is faster than Honolulu on the permits, but still nothing major to report yet. Further details can be found in the permit thread.
  16. Each site will probably get 3G accepted between 2 to 6 months after the permit is issued for that site. As of yet no permits have been issued for Honolulu.
  17. Most of the backhaul is permitted in right of ways that lack parcels or addresses. It's very hard to track.
  18. I'm on vacation in heavily active NV areas... I'm seeing all sorts of funky stuff. This hotel was supposed to get LTE but instead half the time I don't even get EVDO, just 1x.
  19. The LTE radio gear is installed at the same time as the CDMA gear (some gear does both), but LTE cannot be brought up until backhaul is installed, which according to my sources Alcalu doesn't place the call for backhaul until after they've upgraded the site. Once backhaul is installed at enough sites another team will come through and start bringing up LTE.
  20. Just found another Tucson plan that does involve replacement of some non-AWS equipment at the same time.. but they're running a pair of 1 5/8" coax up the tower for some of the new panels in addition to the hybriflex and reusing 12 existing coax. No RRUs other than the 1/sector for AWS.
  21. In Tucson they're running one hybrid cable up the tower to a junction box and splitting the fiber off to 1 alcalu AWS RRU per sector, generally behind one dedicated AWS panel. None of the plans involve any retrofit to existing equipment.
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