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Posts posted by supersanborn

  1. That's not true. As a person who sells phones, there are still people that come in open minded. There are also people that are already decided on what they want, but I honestly try to make sure a person gets the best phone for their needs.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4

    I don't even sell phones and I've easily convinced 10 people to go Android over iPhone.


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  2. Honestly, I don't get all the times I hear people say a carrier tries to delay a product launch to keep sales of the iPhone isolated. People who are going to buy an iPhone are going to buy an iPhone. A Samsung or LG anything won't change that fact.

    I think its more the on the fence people who know they want a smartphone but don't really know if they want an iPhone or an Android (if they even know the difference).


    Obviously fan boys for either side have made up their minds and won't be swayed, but there are plenty of folks who can be.


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  3. For me, each day Sprint doesn't mention the device adds a small bit of hope for a late triband release. But I still feel like there's only a

    Less than 1% and I agree.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4



  4. I wonder if they are almost done "testing" the networks over here. I tried to connect to data yesterday in my apartment and forgot to turn my wifi back on after....I received like 5 text messages at once because it had no idea what to do without a data signal! LOL. It was legit like .06 download speeds when I tested it. Poor iPhone...Without it's succulent 3g/ LTE data speeds, iMessage just doesn't know what to do with itself.

    I've been seeing some inconsistency from the tower near me as well, though every time I do a drive by, I don't see anyone.


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  5. I stand on the other end of the fence, Mobile data should be available at your home. Have you ever gone down the street to talk to your neighbor? Walked to a convenience store? Growing up around Realtors I learned At&t has been very successful, a great deal attributed to the fact that services have worked indoors. Many people are tech illiterate when it comes to networks, the average user thinks something is wrong with the phone if it doesn't work in their home.


    Yes, you should still use Wifi at your home though.


    Agreed. Nothing worse than when the Bright House Internet goes down and you're left with 3G that doesn't do much.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4



  6. Could it also be possible that Sprint not announcing the preorder of the Note 3 is indicative of them telling Samsung to make a triband version of the Note? For instance, Sprint got word of a single band Note 3, doesn't like the idea, and is telling Samsung to create a new version with all bands. Could this scenario be possible? It bugs me how the Sprint Note 3 hasn't been further announced other than the fact that Sprint will have it.

    I'd love nothing more than to believe we are somehow getting a tri-band Note 3, but I see the chances as slim to nil. Most Sprint customers won't know a tri-band Note 3 from borscht.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4



  7. I am not going to assign blame. I have no idea where it lies. But from the FCC OET filings, I do have a bombshell to drop that probably will cause rioting in the streets. The article will get written this afternoon or tomorrow morning. Look forward to it...



    Uh oh.


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  8. I just don't get why Sprint has been so delayed on their phone releases? G2 & Note 3 have already been announced with release date for the other carriers.


    Is Sprint historically slow on releasing devices compared to the other US carriers?

    Maybe they're going to have HTC One Max exclusivity? (Speculation)


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4



  9. I don't think any serious user should consider buying the Sprint Note 3 unless they were going to get a Sprint Triband hotspot to pair it with. Network usability trumps all other phone features, including screen size. :imo:



    Agree completely. No point if I can't get a reliable signal anywhere.


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  10. It can be the best damn RF performer in the world but you will stuck using that one lane highway for the 2 years you have it and that nice 10 lane interstate is staring at you and you can't use it. No thanks. Then to further rub it in you can't use the 800LTE either.

    Yeah, which is why unless the tri-band phones out there turn out to be pitiful, I'll be looking outside the Sammy stable.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4



  11. Look. I get sick of the bitching. You just said, "they need to sell phones before the network is ready." I also often hear, "they need to have the network done before they start selling phones." It drives me bat shit crazy!!!!


    I personally am glad that Band 41 coverage is going to exist in many places the day Band 41 capable LTE smartphones go on sale in the next 30-45 days or so. This is not a bad thing. And there are lots of Band 41 hotspots out there. Sprint is not doing something wrong here.


    I would have loved for these devices going on sale this month and next month to have Band 41 LTE. I bet Sprint wishes they did too. However, we know that the LGOG2 and the Samsung GS4 Mini are going to have Triband. It will be glorious. And there will likely be another one or two more before the end of the year. And Sprint says that all smartphones in 2014 will be Triband. It is what it is.



    Yup. All we can do now is decide if single band Note 3 is good enough and move on from there. Personally I want to see how good/bad the RF capabilities of the Note 3 are compared to the other tri-band contenders out there.


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  12. Hell when im navigating in google maps on 3G and a call comes in I can still hear the directions in the ear piece while in a call even though i have no data connection.

    There are some caching and offline components there to help keep things going in a temporary loss of coverage


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4



  13. A week from now I'll be enjoying how far Miami market has come along. Was very sparse back in January. I'll be updating via sensorly :)

    Fort Lauderdale and Weston have improved a lot. My office in Weston gets screaming LTE.


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  14. I did a little research and have found that the G2 and Note 3 use the same snapdragon 800 series processor, but I don't know if that makes a difference in the supported bands or not.

    Unfortunately, the processor is only one piece of the puzzle.


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  15. I definitely do not defend Samsung here at all. It seems a dual band could have been done pretty easily for Sprint. And if there is a Sprint HTC One Max that is Triband, it makes it a lot more attractive.


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4

    Its why I'm now considering the G2 and Nexus 5. HTC One Max as well if it supports all 3.


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  16. There is nothing unusual about the two bands in the VZW model. They are common bands in lots of devices. Band 26 and Band 41 are uniquely Sprint at this point. Also, don't forget that Band 41 is TDD.


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4

    Well boo. How dare Samsung not give me everything I want. :D


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4



  17. You really think Sprint did not want a Triband device? As if Samsung did and Sprint chose not to? I don't think this was a choice at all.


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4

    So I wonder why Samsung couldn't/wouldn't do it then? Especially if VZW is getting dual band...


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  18. Question for all you Orlando people - What is the best way to track/sample data speeds that would be relevant to every one? I currently have an iPhone4S so no LTE, but plan to get an LTE phone in the next month.


    I travel for work and cover Orlando, Melbourne, up to Jacksonville, over to Tampa, and up through the Panhandle... With all this driving, I thought I could add some value by having a service run on my phone to track data speeds.


    Is Rootmetrics/Sensorly the best choices? Sensorly doesn't have a good way of doing this now on the iPhone, so I was thinking about using Root Metrics.


    Thoughts.. opinions.. nobody cares?

    Seems like everyone here uses Sensorly. I haven't personally tried root metrics, but it seems like an interesting concept at least.


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