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Posts posted by briank86

  1. I guess that makes sense. And you are right Verizon said they would get rid of it by 2021 If this does go threw I really hope they switch off CDMA and go direct to HSPA+ cause here in KY it seems T-Mo has more 2G coverage than Sprint and if it goes ALL HSPA+ then might make better coverage between the 2 for all of Kentucky according to a map I've seen T-Mo covers about 80% of Kentucky with 2G where as sprint covers about 20-30% with 2G (just guessing here not actual facts lol)

    When you say 2G for sprint technology are you in fact referring to the technologies labeled 1XRTT and 1XRTT advanced? Sprint does not have any 2G sites still in existence. This is a common mistake and an easy aggrevator for the one named AJ.
    • Like 1
  2. Another interesting scenario is playing out with Verizon offering some 700 Mhz spectrum to tmo. Considering the open access agreement that was built into the auction of that spectrum, tethering apps to bypass the paid option cannot be blocked. When Verizon got sued for doing so they changed their plans to the structure they are today, in attempt to eliminate unlimited users. Potentially Tmo and sprint would face the same situation. Personally I think it is a poison pill for tmo that will lead to an overburdened network such as Verizon faced requiring a 20X20 to get normal LTE speeds in some major markets.

  3. Be clear that the piece is an editorial, not a news article. And, honestly, I am disappointed that Phil makes an unflattering comparison to T-Mobile progress but fails to acknowledge that T-Mobile is overlaying LTE only where it already has advanced backhaul -- leaving out much of its geographic network, just as it has done with W-CDMA.



    I find it comical how a majority of wireless journalists seem to not understand that the 2 chokepoints sprint has faced in NV is backhaul and the base station. Once those are complete i am awaiting the articles to start saying, "SoftBank revitalizes a dead beat company" giving all praise to SB and no love for Sprint. The follow up articles will be "SoftBank takes fight to big red and big blue" once they realize that Sprint is a real threat to the big 2.

    • Like 4
  4. Has any one had issues with their EVO 4G LTE (stock) during NV upgrades?  I am trying to figure out if my phone is taking a crap or it is just not liking the upgrades that are going on at this time.  Currently in Omaha, NE we are getting 3G acceptances almost daily. My phone will no longer receive calls and texts are delayed anywhere from 7 to 29 hours.  I went to a basketball game in an area that has recently received the 3G upgrades and when my phone would connect to 1X800 voice I  would get my texts, and it was hit and miss on the calls.  But my phone can only be connected to 1X800 voice for this to work.  I tried to work in Digi's PRL to get it to 55016 from 25016, but to no avail.  Thoughts?  Thanks!


    I was missing calls b4 NV started. Since 3G updates have occurred though i have not been told of missed calls. At the same time this could have been due to Google Voice which i uninstalled after NV began in my area. 

  5. Some business accounts, usually coded under public sector business instead of general business cannot be handled by third parties, including preferred retailers. I ran into this at a previous job at a retailer. The system would allow the sale but they will never get paid for the sale because there would be no upgrade code on the contract. Those type of accounts have to go through corporate.


    I think previously some one just tucked up.


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

    U think it is worthwhile to try wirefly or one of those, they seem to recognize the upgrade?

  6. My friend has a sprint plan on his families business account. I went with him to Best Buy to upgrade to the LG G2. After progressing through, the sales associate picked up the phone to talk to Sprint. She then tells us that Sprint blocked access to his account at a 3rd party retailer. The phone is $100 cheaper at best buy than sprint. This was not an issue before as 2 phones were recently upgraded on the same account at the same best buy. Anyone have any further assistance insight as to if this is a new policy or just temporary?

  7. Why did u make me read that? 2 minutes of my life that I can't have back now. It's easy to write an article turning everything positive into a negative. Real journalists would have researched both sides of the story before they start typing.

    • Like 4
  8. That part seemed odd to me as well. But if the future is VoLTE, then that would make sense eventually.


    VoLTE is voice over LTE, not LTE over voice. Regardless the statement was in regards to spectrum. When spectrum is limited in a market, LTE carriers will be deployed over additional voice carriers. Let's try not to confuse the readers into thinking Sprint is jumping on the VoLTE bandwagon.

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