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Posts posted by briank86

  1. For some reason I doubt many iPad users will switch over to anything else. If anything they would probably pay more for the iPad. This oldie but goodie video explains the cult like following.



    Anyone hear of apple buying up any companies researching subliminal messaging? We all know they don't innovate anything on their own.

  2. It boggles my mind that apple has built a business model around innovation through copying and re-packaging. More so that people buy into it like it's the best thing in the world. I will give the iphone 5 some credit though. It may manage to keep up with my 5 month old Evo 4G LTE. But that's to be expected as they need something to copy from and then sue everyone in the market claiming it was their idea first.

  3. Why is there little to nothing out on the vast worldwide web about this popular glitch? I have had 3 HTC EVO 4Gs, 7 HTC EVO 3Ds, and 2 HTC EVO 4G LTE's. Only 1 (ONE) of the HTC EVO 3D's did NOT have this issue (it was a plum coloured later model EVO 3D).


    NOTE: This happens to me 50-100 times a day WITHOUT any after factory apps installed (I tested it).

    Why is there no solution?? Or even a recognition of this issue that is more annoying than a few inches of screen space being gone because of no menu button! :(

    This is a MAJOR time waster to wait 5-10 seconds for Sense to reload almost EVERY time you hit home.. even RIGHT after a factory reset or a brand new replacement phone.

    Please help! (And don't say root; I don't).


    What this update DID do for me:

    Much faster multi-tasking

    3rd Haptic Button functionality mod

    Changed pull-down bar menu from a flat black back to the rounded looking shiny black bar (like older versions of sense).

    Seems to have improved constant 3G dropping?


    What this update did NOT do:

    Fix constant Sense home resets. (happens 50-100 times a day for me even after hard reset and on my 2nd E4GLTE)


    When I first received my EVO 4G LTE I started playing with the developer options and after checking "Don't keep activities" I encountered the same problem. After unchecking it the problem went away.

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