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Posts posted by joshuam

  1. But Sprint did improve the most by far, increasing by 8 points. At this rate, Sprint could possibly become #1 or #2 if they keep up the good work that they've been doing recently.


    The biggest problem I see with Root Metrics for Sprint in the future...is that the voice score will likely become less and less important. People don't talk as much now, thus it's becoming less and less important. Sprint has fantastic voice coverage now, but it may not matter for much longer.

    • Like 1
  2.  I honestly think the unlimited for 3 months thing is just to fix BingeOn. There are several problems with it not working correctly, so the 3 months allows them to get things fixed and not worry about over whelming customer service with credit requests. Any other benefit (getting people to upgrade plans, etc) is just an added perk FOR t-mobile.

  3. I drove I-68 west yesterday and despite the consternation of my wife I did look at signal check whole driving. Roamed on us cellular the whole way through western Maryland. We did stop on Frostburg and I pulled up a you tube video. Streamed flawlessly, hasn't counted against my roaming allotment yet... But I'm sure it will


    That's awesome. US Cellular roaming for Sprint customers will be great. The coverage maps don't depict US Cellular coverage in western Maryland yet.

    • Like 1
  4. Yeah, it's better just to not have service in those areas. Like on Tmo, right?


    Using Tapatalk on Note 8.0


    T-Mobile covers western Maryland now. I have no clue if its native, roaming agreement, or what. But it's solid pink on the maps. But if it's what I'm expecting, it's a handful of band 12 towers per county. So if I'm lucky, I might be able to do something for a period of time!

  5. I'm glad it works for you. I went on a road trip this summer to the Arizona Mogollon Rim.  Not a lot of sprint service, however I did get a nearly 4-bar Verizon roaming signal.  I tried to text. failed.  I tried to check email. timed out.  I rebooted the phone.  Same results.  Asked my wife if she could do anything.  Same problems.  Phone calls went through, but took a very long time to connect and quality was awful.  Battery got drained like it was searching for a signal. Roaming has never worked well for me.


    Verizon roaming was pretty terrible in western Maryland last time I used it as well. Basically no service, phone calls even with 3-4 bars of 1x would take several minutes to connect and drop quite easily. It's odd, because Verizon phones did not have the same problems. I would receive incoming texts, late...but they would come in.

    • Like 1
  6. Im a little lost on the speedtest arguing. Far as im concerned, if you have the pink then binge b!t€h BINGE! Stream like you just got your life seconds ago. Tell everyone else to binge! Show Tmo who is boss, be entitled.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



    I started watching House of Cards on Netflix during my commute (50 minute train ride). I didn't do that before BingeOn :-)


    When magenta stops working, I'll switch again. I don't have loyalty to a carrier anymore.

    • Like 3
  7. BingeOn has had zero impact in my area on data speeds.


    http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/i/1454611607 (unloaded at 5am is 69Mbps). This result is similar to prior to BingeOn. I'm not convinced this is "the biggest mistake of the decade" or going to kill the T-Mobile brand. Im going to ride it out as long as possible. $30/line for 10Gb with unlimited music and video is a better value than Framily unlimited. And T-Mobile fees are lower than Sprint.


    Once Sprint gets their act together in Maryland, I would like to switch back. Mostly because of the rural coverage. It's not a huge issue for me because I rarely need rural coverage, but it'd be nice.

  8. Just cruzin at my T-Mobile store



    It always cracks me up when a cell carrier has shitty service at one of their stores. A local mall in Maryland for the longest time had a Sprint Corp store, and anywhere in the mall was extended 1x on Verizon. Except near the store, they had a repeater. Seriously...how can you sell service that doesn't even work in the location you are selling it? Store is still there, but band 26 means LTE inside now, thankfully.

    • Like 5
  9. Or John is acting like a poser acting all big and stuff to look good on the Press, when internally it's killing T-Mobile.

    Let's be honest...their plan isn't to kill T-Mobile. People said no contracts would never work, music freedom would never work, etc, etc, etc. John Legere and Mike Seivert aren't idiots. Just like Marcelo and John Saw aren't idiots. They are both very smart, being paid millions of dollars for their work.


    Remember...the goal of T-Mobile and Sprint is shareholder ROI. I'm willing to bet over 95% of customers on both networks don't give a shit about speed or anything. They wouldn't even know what good speeds are. This unlimited promo on T-Mobile could help push people into higher buckets of paid data. I don't know the end game, but killing T-Mobile or killing Sprint is not the plan.

    • Like 5
  10. I see photos of him in a park now and then, but looks more like he's taking pics of others running instead of doing much running himself.

    He Pariscopes while running quite often. His daughter is with him quite a bit too I think. I don't watch his Pariscopes for the most part, but the couple times I clicked he was running and it was pretty hard to hear him and pay attention from the motion.

  11. Look at him 10 years ago, and look at him now. He's aged 40 years in 10 years..

    Not trying to get on a personal level, but the guy is either 1. stressed beyond the point of healthy, 2. on some sort of drug, whether illegal or something like painkillers....or 3. letting himself go healthwise. The "cool" look to grab attention should not have impacted his health to the point of looking like a skeleton..

    Not disagreeing with you, just adding. He does go running ALOT.

    • Like 1
  12. T-Mobile might be inadvertently accelerating the end of their spectrum runway with BingeOn here?


    I'd be interested to see Ookla results, but the idiots took down their NetIndex service.

    I don't know. I'm not convinced it will yet. We have to remember that we aren't the average customer. I'm willing to bet most T-Mobile customers didn't even read the email they sent out. Auto opt in was done for a reason. Plus you have to think about the "honeymoon phase". BingeOn isn't going to create new video watchers alone. The same people are going to be watching video over LTE as before.

    • Like 1
  13. Band 12 and band 26 are meant for coverage, not speed. I wouldn't expect speeds similar to band 4 or band 41.


    But Sprint hasn't tuned band 26 for coverage yet. It is being used for capacity, at least in Maryland it is. It has barely better range outdoors than band 25, but it does work significantly better indoors in that area. I would expect Sprint to shift band 26 for coverage soon hopefully since 2xCA is live in my area.

  14. Most B12 traffic comes from iPhone users, Sprint has what? B26 for the iPhone 5, 5s 5c and 6 and now 6s


    That's alot of users for B26 compared to all the iPhones carried from T-Mobile with B12 (iPhone 6s).


    Most T-Mobile customers are sucked in still paying their EIP for their 6 which has no B12 support. Now if John were to upgrade every single subscriber to a B12 capable phone for free or with a huge discount, Then we'll see some of that congestion hehe



    I mean, my experience with Band 26 was pretty similar to Band 12 on T-Mobile. So I don't understand what you are saying?


    Plus, I don't believe that "most" of band 12 traffic is from the iPhone. T-Mobile has the lowest "iPhone penetration" of the big 4 national carriers.


    Here are all the band 12 phones:

    • Like 2
  15. The problem isn't so simple. It is my mother that doesn't want to do this. She already is upset over the Experian thing with T-Mobile, though I've told her it is Experian, not T-Mobile that is responsible for that. Although apparently, according to a manager of the local Verizon corporate retail store I spoke with awhile ago today, there are alot of people who have gone into this Verizon store complaining about the breach blaming T-Mobile, then looking at what Verizon is offering.


    My gripe with this, is that T-Mobile is forcing this unneeded security step to change the binge-on setting, while much more serious settings can be changed without an SSN. Also, I've been very open about this here not trying to be unreasonable about it at all. I've been wanting to switch away from T-Mobile for awhile now, and if I had the ability to, I would have a long time ago. The SSN number of mine isn't even an issue for me personally, and if I had that information and the ability to freely choose carriers as many people here do, I would. Unfortunately though, I don't, because of my health situation and my dependence on my mother.



    Like we all said...just wait. Posted on Reddit today


    It's working for me (confirmed that it limited Netflix resolution and didn't burn data).

    There's a slider on my.t-mobile.com, in Profile-Media Settings.

    A few days ago it was listed under Plan-Change Services, but that option has disappeared.



    EDIT: I can confirm that it works fine. No SSN needed since it isn't part of the "account changed" area of the account.

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