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Posts posted by joshuam

  1. Sorry for post this here, wasn't sure where else to put it.


    But long live unlimited data (for now....and until AT&T doubles the price in the future).




    It's actually a pretty good deal if you are a DirectTV or uVerse customer....$180 for 4 lines, unlimited talk/text/data. One unique aspect..you can get unlimited data on a TABLET. Don't think I've ever seen that before.

    • Like 4
  2. I didn't know that was even a possibility. Thanks for the info. I do have TEP on my leased S6 Edge but, for future devices on down the line, I may consider other options.


    Plus if you have Apple devices, you can just go to an Apple store for a replacement. It'll cost around $200...but water damage, cracked screen...they can fix in an Apple store...I've never had to yet, but it would be a lot less than paying for TEP every month and then their deductible.

    • Like 2
  3. iPhone Forever got an overhaul:


    Link: http://www.sprint.com/landings/iphone-forever/index_p.html


    18 Month Lease Term is the only option.

    Now requires making 12 payments to upgrade.


    For Current Customers: If you joined iPhone Forever before 1/8/16, you can upgrade to a new iPhone whenever it's released.



    Makes sense. Gone are the $15/month promos (which cost carriers alot of money). My brother-in-law went to a Sprint store last night to get the iPhone Forever deal at $15/month...but he was told they required insurance for 90 days at $14/month, after 90 days he could cancel it. I know that insurance is NOT required, just a sales rep trying to get commission. But my brother-in-law just left and missed out.

  4. A few months ago in a comments section somewhere, I saw Brett Schulte assert that Marcelo Claure as CEO negatively affects Sprint because Claure does not speak English well.  I have not heard Claure speak at length, but he has been in the US for three decades and attended college in Massachusetts.  The claim that he does not speak English well seems spurious.  More likely, Brett Schulte faults Claure for not being a white, blonde, American man like himself.




    I remember that tirade from Brett Schulte. He blocked me on twitter for defending Marcelo's English. Lol. Marcelo does have an accent, but I do not have a hard time understanding him at all. And it's racist for anyone to say he can't lead Sprint because of his accent.

  5. Honestly even if T-Mobile did away with the zero rating of certain services...id likely still keep BingeOn on, just so video streams better without buffering. Most of my streaming is while commuting, so I'm switching towers and signs strength constantly. BingeOn has made my Netfix watching completely seemless. It's even more relevant for tablets with even more limited data. Even without zero rating. I turn it off occasionally, especially if I'm sitting at 1Gb of my 10Gb used and I'm more than half way through the cycle...lol

    • Like 1
  6. Didn't T-Mobile admit all video would be "optimized" (read: throttled). I was never under the impression that anything different was being done. Their claim was it will reduce your data usage for all video. If people don't like it, they can disable it.


    Not defending one way or another...just passing along what was highlighted by T-Mobile execs previously.

    • Like 1
  7. My Tmo VoLTE experience isn't great. Working from home puts me right in the middle of three towers.. a daily dropped call or two is the norm. Disabling VoLTE solves the problem. So, in my experience where I live, VoLTE is not the panacea. (Cleveland, OH)

    I hate to ask, because it is not the "end all solution to all problems". But are you in a band 12 market on a band 12 device? The iPhone 6 (without band 12) was mediocre in fringe areas on VoLTE. But the 6S with band 12 is much improved. At least in the Baltimore market. I hate similar VoLTE issues prior to getting a band 12 handset.

  8. And as Robert has previously posted, that makes you an anti Net Neutrality enabler. Are you proud or ashamed?


    I do not traffic in emojis, use them sparingly. But if I were to use the thumbs down emoji, you would get far more than the six dose that you post above.



    Sorry for the emojis. I'm with you on this subject...I was being sarcastic. Truthful about my habits, so I am ashamed. But I'm riding the gravy train as long as it lasts...lol

  9. Doesn't aggregation have to be with equal size carriers?  If so, anything aggregated with B12 would have to be another 5MHz carrier.  So, maybe there is a separate 5MHz B4 carrier in South Florida.  And that could be why it is far slower than a single wider band B4 LTE carrier by itself.


    I've connected to 10Mhz B4 carrier aggregated to a B12 5Mhz carrier before.


    • Like 1
  10. This picture is why I didn't switch to T-Mobile.




    Or, it is a graphical representation of why, I should say. It is just hard to justify building in the white gap without low band. The LTE they have put up is fast. It is just hard to see how they catch up here without a 700 MHz play. They could strike a deal for the 700 MHz block USCC has here, but I don't see USCC parting with it for cheap. If I lived in an area with Extended Range LTE, I would have went with them. Where I live, T-Mobile kind of has to wait for the 600 MHz auction.


    Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk

    I couldn't imagine using T-Mobile if they didn't have band 12 here. Even with a fairly dense network, band 12 really changes things as far as coverage goes.

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