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Everything posted by mikejeep

  1. Notifications (and on a more noticeable delay, widgets) seem to update a little slower sometimes, especially when the device is sitting still. These routines were not changed; I'm wondering if it's related to OS-controlled battery optimization or something similar. I've been watching it on my Pixel and hopefully can figure out what might be going on. I connect to Clearwire sites often and haven't seen an issue. Are you a Boost Mobile subscriber? The app should show Clearwire on 311870 *unless* the device is reporting it is registered to Boost. Send a diagnostic report (About > Send Diagnostics) next time you see it happening and include your username and a brief description and I'll see what is going on. It all depends on how T-Mobile is deploying LTE-U.. if you have any details, please send me a PM. Always interested in adding new features, but T-Mobile is proving to be a little complicated (see here). Send a diagnostic report (About > Send Diagnostics) next time you see it, include your username and a brief description and I'll take a look to see how I can tackle this. To date, I have not seen enough information to identify Wi-Fi Calling consistently, but maybe you can help with that. -Mike
  2. FYI.. I am receiving a lot of questions regarding T-Mobile LTE band identification and wanted to provide some more technical information about why the app is no longer displaying it for some sites. A section has been added to the "Known Issues" page here: http://www.bluelinepc.com/signalcheck/known-issues#tmobile -Mike
  3. Well that is all very flattering, thank you. Comments like that make all the hours learning, coding, and testing worth it. I may add a donation link someday, but not until I prove I can get an update out at least twice a year.. -Mike
  4. After 14+ months.. (and then still just after midnight on the East Coast even though I promised it today).. an update for SignalCheck Pro is finally out! It's too late for me to bang out details for every item on the change log, but check it out (click here) to see what is new. I will point out 3 of the most notable issues: Android 7+ devices will see LTE EARFCN (frequency) data and use that to calculate the LTE band if the device supports it. Samsung seems to be the only OEM that is failing to do this. I have reached out to them but have not gotten a useful response yet. LTE neighbor cell EARFCNs are available too, and I intend to add neighbors to GSM/WCDMA soon. The app will no longer make an "educated guess" about the LTE band when connected to T-Mobile sites on the East Coast or in most of the West. T-Mobile's network configuration in these regions is too inconsistent to rely on this method. Users in South and Central markets, and those with devices that can obtain EARFCN data, will see reliable LTE band information. I know this will make many people unhappy, but in the interest of accuracy, I had no choice. The notification icons will not display the specific LTE band or frequency for many bands outside of the US; it will simply show "LTE" for now. This will be fixed in the next update, but I did not want to delay this release any further. I will post more details about some of the less self-explanatory items in a few days. SignalCheck Lite will be updated accordingly sometime in the next few weeks. Thanks for your patience and support! -Mike
  5. I ended up getting home much later than I expected, but I was still hoping to crank them all out tonight. Unfortunately, the site I used to make all of the icons is apparently gone (yeldnats.com/fonticons) and I have not been able to find any other similar resources. Band-aid it is.. I promised an update today, so the people will get an update today! If anyone is good with graphics or knows of a similar tool, please let me know.. -Mike
  6. Oh no.. I just realized what is going on here. I need to make icons for every possible LTE band/frequency, not just the ones the app has identified to this point.. this is not going to be fun! -Mike **Mods can you please move these two posts to the Beta thread?
  7. Drum roll.. a SignalCheck Pro update is finally rolling out today! Lots of bug fixes, new features, behind the scenes improvements.. good stuff. My apologies for taking over a year to get this out. There will (hopefully) be more timely updates moving forward. I will post a detailed changelog here once the update is pushed out. Check here for a sneak peek at what has been in testing: http://www.bluelinepc.com/signalcheck/change-log/ EDIT: Just so nobody is blasting away at their Play Store icon, it will probably not be available until this evening. I'll send a tweet from @bluelinepc as soon as it's in Google's hands. -Mike
  8. Now that I can see neighbor EARFCNs on the fly, I noticed that I never see a PCI or EARFCN for a neighbor cell unless it's on the same channel as my current connection. That explains all of the "Unknown" cells that only report signal strength. Anyone on other devices seeing better results? Curious if it's an Android OS bug or a Pixel radio bug. -Mike
  9. LOL the bug list will always be there.. updates pending or not! No idea why that is happening to you. Doesn't happen on my 3 test devices (Samsung 4.1, HTC 5.0, Pixel 7.1) and no other reports. Sent you a PM, I agree that the 310120 might have been the invalid piece of data. Looks like your earlier B4 and B12 sightings could have both been from the same T-Mobile site. Next time it happens, send me a diagnostic report if it will let you. Or, jump into Diagnostic Mode within the app and check the PLMN fields for something other than 310120 (labeled LD1/LD2, then further down Active/Home/TM/SS/SIM/LTE17). Maybe there is something useful hiding in there I can utilize. -Mike
  10. That's weird.. is that new in today's version? Try a reboot? -Mike
  11. New beta has been pushed out.. hopefully this will become the long-awaited public release! Please help me out by confirming that the following fixes are working properly. I don't need everyone to reply individually if everything is working; I'm mostly looking for feedback from those of you had experienced these issues. But if you really want to share, go for it! The LTE frequency label (800/1900/2500/AWS/etc) should be correct for everyone now.. I hope. The "Export Site Log" feature has been improved and should no longer freeze the device while it's running. GSM logs are finally exporting properly too. The exported data didn't change, but the process to generate them did. You should end up with 3 files now (CDMA, GSM, LTE). Any LTE EARFCN and band data displayed should be valid, including neighbor cells. Mostly want to make sure Samsung users are no longer seeing low EARFCNs/B1 on neighbor cells. nTelos B26 should be displaying (and logging) properly now. PCI 0 should be displaying (and logging) properly now. EDIT: Just noticed that on non-Nougat phones, the Change Log screen formatting is goofed up.. I'm not going to push out another update just for that but I already fixed it. Thanks as always!! -Mike
  12. Devices are supposed to report Integer.MAX_VALUE (which is 2147483647) when a particular value is not available. Looking at over 4,000 diagnostic reports I have, I only see a one instance where 0 is being reported instead. (I also only see 4 reports where 0 is properly being reported intentionally, so it's not used often.) I just didn't realize 0 was a valid PCI until mdob07 pointed it out and I double-checked the LTE spec. -Mike
  13. Soon™!!! Just ironing out the last couple of bugs and permissions testing. My goal is a public release before Thursday. Either the PLMN is not updating and the EARFCN is, or vice versa. And the PCI may or may not be updating. Tricky for SCP to do much with it, because it must presume that the OS is reporting valid data. Does the PCI you saw at that time match a known Sprint site in that area? Or check cellmapper.net and see if there is an nearby B4 site for another provider (I believe the other Big 3 all use B4). Hmmm I will have to check, but I bet it checks for PCI >0, not >=0; I'll double check that and adjust accordingly, thanks! I will make a note to add an option to hide 1X on the main screen, but that might not be until the next release cycle. -Mike
  14. Hmm.. I am unable to duplicate this on my end, and I don't see anything unusual on your diagnostics report. I often connect to B41 and always have the 1X icon enabled. I will keep an eye on it. Can you confirm that it was working properly before one of these beta updates? Have you tried a reboot or at least restarting the app? Anyone else seeing a similar issue? -Mike
  15. Sometimes not all of the data updates at once; the PLMN (which SCP uses to identify the provider) might not have updated yet when that screenshot was taken. Most of my phones occasionally have a delay when switching between Sprint and Clear LTE sites, messing up my site notes.. it's something I've been trying to find a workaround for, but it's hard. The device is reporting it all as a valid bundle of simultaneous data. -Mike
  16. SCP has logged my Pixel connecting to 4 different AT&T B17 sites on EARFCN 5780 since May 27. Does this match the licensing for the Eastern MA / Southern NH market? All were logged in my hometown where there is poor Sprint LTE coverage. It had never happened before. -Mike
  17. This is the link I have bookmarked on my phone: http://s4gru.com/?app=core&module=search&do=followed -Mike
  18. Oh I understand what you were saying now.. I'll give a better explanation of what I was referring to. The new permissions requirements in Android 6+ require users to explicitly grant certain permissions at runtime. Previously, users granted permissions when installing an app from Google Play. If they did not agree, the app was not installed. Now, apps must prompt users for individual permissions as needed. It is tricky with an app like SignalCheck that is typically running in the background at startup. Because of the nature of the app, it requires certain permissions for it's core functionality. It's easier for other apps to handle this.. for example, the first time you try to take a picture with the Facebook app, you will be prompted to grant the Camera permission to the Facebook app. If you deny it, then you just can't use the camera part of that app, and everything else works fine. SignalCheck needs the Phone and Location permissions for it's basic features to work.. without those, it is completely useless. But if a user never opens up the UI to grant the permission, what happens when it automatically launches at boot? Or what if a user revokes some (or all) permissions while the app is running? Android developers must that ensure that all of these situations (and others) are accounted for. It has been more complicated than I expected. Good news is a ton of new features are in beta testing and things are going generally well. There are still some kinks to work out (including the permissions issue) but I'm getting there. Check the SCP beta thread for a sneak peek. -Mike
  19. I've noticed a bug on the "Content You Follow" page when using the Mobile Theme.. it shows the timestamp of the first post in the thread, but hints it was started by whatever user posted most recently. I attached an example.. it's lordsutch's thread, but I made the most recent post. Also, is there a way to add a button to jump to the last page of the thread when using the Mobile Theme? Sometimes the board seems to "forget" my last read post, and some threads are huge. I used to be a fan of Tapatalk but newer versions do a poor job of keeping track of what I've already read via the website. Thanks, -Mike
  20. EARFCN is starting to be reported for neighbor cells in recent Android 7 updates.. beta testing it in SCP now. -Mike
  21. Bah. I thought for sure I had solved the "big text" not displaying properly.. I will do some more digging on it. When switching between Sprint and Clearwire sites it sometimes disappears on my Pixel too. It is only a display issue, as the Logger should still be recording the proper band. My bad on the B1 glitch, totally slipped my mind to apply it to neighbor cells too.. easy fix. I just checked out your report, thanks. If you could share the math that correlates the LTE and GSM data (I didn't look at it too closely), I can look into it. I will think about the best way to approach your single band idea. I decided to have the app only use educated guesses on T-Mobile in Nokia markets, because the Ericsson sites have proven to be wildly inconsistent. Hopefully as Android 7 becomes adapted more widely, it becomes a moot point. -Mike
  22. Another update is done and should be available shortly. Hopefully the crashes and LTE display bugs are fixed. There is also a new option to display neighbor EARFCN info. It is disabled by default, so go into Preferences > Display Settings > Show Neighbor EARFCNs. -Mike
  23. I don't think it is related to the modem or root, it's the neighbor cell display. Disable neighbor display and let me know. -Mike
  24. Trip, you were close -- I saw the reports from you guys, it's the neighbor EARFCN routine crashing on Android 4.2-6.0. If you enable Airplane Mode (or leave LTE coverage) and then disable "Show Neighbor Cells" you should be able to use the app for now. I will be working on it this morning, hopefully I'll have an update pushed out shortly. -Mike
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