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Everything posted by mikejeep

  1. The update I got last night was 7.1.7 (970) dated November 12. I just logged back into S4GRU with Tapatalk and Cloudfront blocked my Sprint IP after a few minutes of browsing. I'll reply to the Tapatalk support guy.. -Mike
  2. An update for the Tapatalk Android app just dropped too. Perhaps these two updates will do the trick.. -Mike
  3. I've been going back and forth with Tapatalk support, first they said an app update went out last week to resolve this, but I pointed out there have been no recent app updates. I just received a reply stating that the issue was actually resolved with a recent forum plugin update and they asked me to give @S4GRU a heads up. So Robert, see if there's something to update on your end I guess.. -Mike
  4. Another beta just went out, but the only noticeable changes on the user end are for AT&T users. But who knows, I could have broken something else.. For those of you following that are not in the Beta Crew, everything is looking good but there is a bug in a permissions library I am using. I am waiting for that developer to fix it before I push out a public update. Once that is fixed, I'll be pushing out public updates of both Pro and Lite. -Mike
  5. New beta just uploaded! Should fix the missing LTE extras and also hides individual "Unknown" neighbor cells by default. Option under Display Settings if you prefer to see each one. -Mike
  6. Whoops. It's hiding all "extra" indicators (second carrier, MB, Airave, etc.). I believe I fixed it but going to do some more testing to make sure. Expect an update this afternoon.. -Mike
  7. Another beta just pushed out! More crash fixes, and a LOT of changes for AT&T users.. this will be it for this version, if all proves stable it will go out to the public within a few days. -Mike
  8. Ahh, didn't know Airaves dipped below 500.. good to know, thanks! Could be an Airave too though.. my Airave 3 is 501, I have heard of 502-503 as well. That's what the CDMA NIDs are/were too. -Mike
  9. I am fairly certain that 0F0 = Magic Box (that's what I have in the current SCP beta). I only have 0E8 and 0EA reported for Airave/S1000 cells. Airave will have a PCI in the low 500's. -Mike
  10. Wanted to check in and share an update. I have made tremendous progress in resolving several issues that have been causing crashes and instability.. it's not flashy or exciting, but definitely something that improves the app. It will also allow me to finally release an update to the Lite version. There is still some more testing to be done, but I anticipate a public release within a week. There will be a few other small improvements as well. -Mike
  11. New beta release is uploading now.. should be available within the hour.. or an hour ago, depending on when you're changing your clocks! All of the permissions routines were overhauled, they were causing LOTS of crashes and freezing so hopefully this resolves all of those issues. Permissions are now requested as needed, instead of all at once when the app launches. Please try revoking permissions through your device's Settings and see if you can break something. Significant improvements the Wi-Fi routines.. channel/frequency/bandwidth accuracy and availability should be much better on newer devices. I'd like to have it update independently of the mobile connection info but I'm still working on that. If you're rooted, the Data and Debug shortcuts should work on the Pixel now. Hopefully(?) they also work on the XL, Pixel 2, and Pixel XL 2. If anyone has any luck on those devices let me know. A few more Magic Box GCIs were added. Thanks!! -Mike
  12. I was using version 7.1.6 (build 969) on my Pixel; I logged out of my S4GRU account in Tapatalk so hopefully all of my IP blocks will eventually release. Tonight is the first time I've been able to access S4GRU from my home ISP IP in a couple of days. -Mike
  13. It's all related. It's IP-based so if you're on Wi-Fi it doesn't matter what device you use. At the moment I believe the only solution is to uninstall Tapatalk or otherwise prevent it from connecting to your network somehow. If it connects, it (eventually) triggers the block. It has happened to me even without launching Tapatalk, presumably because it's doing something in the background. -Mike
  14. My home IP seems to be staying in the clear now (thanks!), but when I venture out it's still blocking whatever IP I happen to connect to shortly after I start using Tapatalk. I can see why you don't love supporting it from the admin side! -Mike
  15. Woohoo!! That's great news. Is that Android 8.0 or 8.1? Anyone who is running 8.1, please let me know if you see any improvements.. really hoping neighbor cells on other bands will start working again instead of showing "Unknown". -Mike
  16. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.. but my Fios IP has been blocked again. Same error as before. -Mike
  17. Can anyone confirm if that is in fact true? That would be significant news for those of us who travel in northern New England where Sprint has hardly any native coverage.. -Mike
  18. I didn't want to jinx it, but I've been alternating between my Wi-Fi and Sprint IPs and haven't had any issues.. ? -Mike
  19. The problem is that Tapatalk is causing any IP that has had a Tapatalk connection to be blocked entirely. Even via the mobile browser. -Mike
  20. I'm having issues accessing S4GRU again when connected through my Verizon Fios (website error message attached). Phones and laptop, website or Tapatalk, all give errors. Works ok on a Sprint data connection. A week ago I had the same issue for 4-5 days. -Mike
  21. Exactly the sort of quirk I was concerned about! That is why I will just keep making updates as I learn of new discoveries. I have no doubt that anyone savvy enough to get a Magic Box and run SignalCheck will immediately notice if the app is not correct, and word always seems to get back to me. -Mike
  22. Thank you @UPdownLoAD and @bucdenny! I will add 0F0. Looks like it will be tricky staying on top of the MB GCI's.. they are burning through prefixes fairly quickly early on, at this rate they will be at 0FF in no time. It would be easier for me to assume everything between 0EC and 0FF will be a MB but I'm not ready to do that yet. Also, thank you to those of you who have been providing me with diagnostic reports and feedback about the Wi-Fi channel issue. I'm still working on finishing up overhauling that, but it looks like the "new" method does reliably identify DFS channels on newer devices. -Mike
  23. Android has assigned someone to investigate this issue and they are asking for specific information from users experiencing this problem (@ingenium @lilotimz and others). They need to know what devices are affected as well as OS bug reports taken while the problem is occurring. I do not have DFS so I can't provide any direct feedback for them, but if anyone experiencing this could visit the link above and post their device information and attach a bug report (see below for instructions), they will investigate it. I already replied to their other questions. Let me know if you have any questions. If you prefer not to post directly to the Issue Tracker, send me the bug report (support@bluelinepc.com) and your device details, and I'll pass it along. Thanks, -Mike
  24. Most (all?) Huawei devices do not report valid signal information to the OS, at least not by any methods I have found. It is very annoying. Do any other similar apps seem to work? There are some non-zero numbers in your report that might be helpful, but I have no idea what they might represent. If you (or anyone else with a Huawei) want to try sending a handful of diagnostic reports from areas with varying signal data, I can compare them to see if they match up with anything useful. You'll need to be somewhere stationary with a fairly stable signal, because I'll need any signal metrics you may be able to gather by other means at the time of your report by either the data on the stock Settings menu (on Oreo it's buried under Settings > System > About > Status > SIM status > Signal strength), a dialer code, or another app. For example, if you say your RSRP is -94 and RSRQ is -3, I can look at your report and see if any of the random integers appear to match, and then we can work from there to confirm things. -Mike
  25. It appears that Oreo is not reporting valid Wi-Fi frequency information when DFS is enabled (thanks @ingenium). Please 'star' this issue if you feel inclined, and add any comments with your device and exact OS version so hopefully it gets some attention: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/66697994 Thanks, -Mike
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