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Everything posted by mikejeep

  1. The missing CDMA data on Samsung devices that have updated to Android 10 is not related to VoLTE, it is a bug in Samsung's update. I have a workaround in testing that seems to resolve it.. hope to get an app update rolled out tonight for everyone!
  2. New beta just uploaded, should appear on Google Play within an hour or two.. No dual-SIM support yet, but getting there. This version is mostly improvements for WCDMA connections (including PSC logging finally fixed so neighbor cells will work!) and some significant behind-the-scenes bugfixes focused on database functionality. One significant addition is a LTE Cell ID Format option under Display Preferences where users can now toggle between hex GCI, decimal ECI, or a "hybrid" option that displays the typical hex sector bits but the rest of the ID is in decimal format. I am told that this should correlate to region/site identifiers for some providers.. Full changelog: https://signalcheck.app/change-log If this version proves to be stable, it will become a public release within a few days. I appreciate everyone's support!
  3. Based on information I've received from other users, and mdob07's diagnostic report tonight, it's another issue related to the Samsung Android 10 update -- no bandwidth or SNR data is not being reported, so SignalCheck can't show anything. CA is separate from the bandwidth routine; its accuracy varies on all devices right now.. sometimes it's dead on, sometimes it's not. Android engineers unfortunately closed out my bug report about that and some other cell info issues as "working as intended".. will be trying to get them to reopen that. There is no way to adjust how much information appears in the notification shade pulldown.. the OS decides that. I'm not positive but it probably is some combination of screen resolution and how many other notifications of the same category are being displayed. If the display differs between Android 9 and 10 on the same device, they probably changed the "formula" used to decide how much to display. You should always be able to expand the notification to see all of the data though..? Thanks, I'll include that in the next update! Working on buttoning that up.. finally got GSM/WCDMA logging and neighbor note display fixed, I think. Dual SIM still a work in progress. Coming Soon™...
  4. It is a problem with the Samsung Android 10 update. They broke a lot of things behind the scenes.. I have some workarounds in testing now. Sending you a PM momentarily.
  5. Send me a diagnostic next time you see that please! About > Send diagnostics, be sure to include your username and brief description of the problem.
  6. I don't think you can read too much into it without lots of other variables filled in. How many AT&T devices were at the stadium (and within 2 miles) this year compared to last year? Also, Hard Rock Stadium is kind of in the middle of nowhere, at least population / destination wise.. especially compared to last year, in Downtown Atlanta.
  7. Yuck. That seems like either a bug or some extreme attempts by LG to save power. Did you try excluding SCP from battery optimization as ingenium suggested? The system signal bars are typically based off the same routines that SCP uses. Unfortunately that's beyond my control.. ☹️
  8. SignalCheck uses a native Android routine that "listens" for signal changes, and refreshes the app's data when any new mobile info is "heard". The frequency at which this data is provided is controlled by the OS. There is no reason for SCP to refresh the data more frequently, because it is already showing the latest information the OS has. Other apps (Network Signal Guru) access the modem directly, which is completely different and provides far more frequent updates (at a cost of power consumption of course). With each new release of the Android OS, it has been more and more aggressive about conserving power, thus reducing the frequency that certain tasks/routines/updates are executed. One of the most significant differences is that if the OS detects your device is relatively stationary, it will not update the mobile signal data. If it detects you are moving, it will update it more frequently. Does SCP appear to update more frequently for you while driving? It's a very broad "hack" of sorts for now -- if the device reports a speed greater than what 802.11ac is capable of, SignalCheck calls it 802.11ax. It's the most educated guess I can make at this point based on what methods are available to third-party devs. -Mike
  9. Sprint appears to be surging ahead with the big gameday crowds on Tutela..
  10. Thank you @mdob07, I will get those additions in the next update!
  11. New SignalCheck beta is rolling out now.. bugfix city! Slowly making progress with Dual-SIM support, but nothing to share yet. The new update should appear on Google Play within the hour. Thank you for all your support!
  12. I already have "73" as a Band 4 small cell; I do need to do something so those carry over to B66 I guess. Are you certain that "4D" is a small cell? I have no entries in the database for that suffix right now. So you can confirm that "31" should also be a B4/B66 SC? Just want to make sure I'm understanding you correctly. I already have "B3" thru "B6" assigned as a Band 2 second carrier on macro sites -- are you sure they were small cells?
  13. Sorry it took awhile to get back to you, I was digging through this thread and my emails to refresh my memory as to what you're referencing.. nothing is coming to mind?
  14. 5G is live in Miami: https://newsroom.sprint.com/sprint-heats-up-miami-network-for-footballs-biggest-game.htm
  15. An update to SignalCheck Pro is rolling out on Google Play right now, should become available shortly for everyone! Version 4.56 is mostly bugfixes, and includes the following changes: Added system shortcut for app system settings. Extensive code optimizations and enhancements. Internal code enhancements to Location Service. Removed persistent prompts/warnings that appeared when a user denied background location permission but had the background service disabled. Resolved force closes on some devices using decimal separators other than ‘dot’. Resolved force closes related to permission requests. Resolved internal exception when installing/updating the app. Resolved issue with incorrect signal strength notification icon when connected to LTE & Wi-Fi Calling. Resolved issue with negative LTE SNR values missing the “-” character. Resolved issue with persistent warnings appearing when a user denies background location permission and requests not to be prompted again. Resolved issue with screen padding not working with GSM-based connections. I anticipate dual SIM compatibility being the major change for the next update, and 5G support will be added after that. Thanks for all of your support! -Mike
  16. A new SignalCheck Pro beta update is rolling out right now, should be available shortly! This will hopefully be the final update before a public release; the only changes users should notice since the last beta are the fixes for screen padding and negative LTE SNR values. Those of you who experienced these issues, please let me know if they are resolved after you update. Once I get this release rolled out publicly, I will (eventually) be pushing out major changes to add Multi-SIM support. Thanks, -Mike
  17. Thanks! The missing negative sign was a bug that nobody had ever mentioned (probably never noticed); that was an easy fix and will be part of the next update. SNR "30" is hidden by design because that is what many devices report when SNR is invalid/missing; it's the maximum value possible. (For safety sake, I have "-20" hidden as well.) My P3 and P4 always report 30 whenever connected to Sprint, regardless of the signal quality. -Mike
  18. I believe I found the issue with the padding not working for some users -- it is related to GSM-based connections, that's why it worked for some users but not others. Thanks for the reports, would not have figured it out without help! The fix is in testing and should be rolled out in the next update. -Mike
  19. What the!? Haha.. that's interesting and should help me narrow down what's going on. I did see your reports, but there were no errors.
  20. Like others have said (thanks guys!), Lite is outdated.. very outdated. I just don't have enough time to maintain two separate apps, which is why I'm working on combining them into one app, and paying will "unlock" the Pro features instead of having it be a separate download. It is a complicated task but in the end it will be far easier than the way I have it now. Other things take priority because those who do kick in some beer money get my time first!
  21. Hmm, that's strange.. it works fine on my LG G2, Pixel 3, and Pixel 4. If anyone experiencing this not working could set a padding value, back out of the Preferences, and send me a diagnostic report with a note about the padding when you have a chance. Maybe there's an error being quietly thrown I can look at. Not sure if there will be anything there, but I'm not sure what else to try. Thanks!
  22. I checked your report, at the time you submitted it your device definitely had a valid T-Mobile connection. What SCP is displaying is accurate. As I mentioned, my P4 (and others in the Pixel thread on here) have seen similar behavior. -Mike
  23. From within the app, About > Send Diagnostics. Make sure to include your name and a brief note about the issue so I can find it. -Mike
  24. Send me a diagnostic report next time you run into that.. but based on what is on the screen, that looks like a legitimate T-Mobile connection. My Pixel 4 has a hard time letting go of T-Mobile LTE in some strong Sprint areas as well. -Mike
  25. As an update to the 5G discussion -- I have received several diagnostic reports from users who noted they were connected to 5G at the time (thanks!), however I have not seen an example where the API is reporting any 5G data. Everything has appeared as regular LTE for now. Please keep sending me reports, I am sure eventually we will have a device that reports it properly! At a minimum it will need to be on Android 10, because the 5G reporting routines did not exist in earlier versions. -Mike
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