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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. No, that is 20 MHz FDD LTE. You will not see that anytime soon, if ever on Sprint. But Clearwire is deploying 20 MHz TDD LTE. AJ
  2. Do you really think the decision to lock down the device lies as much with the OEM as it does with the carriers? No, I fully believe it is more the carriers' call. As long as carriers continue to sell devices and tie the cost of those devices to the cost of service, then carriers want the devices locked down and as dummy proof as possible. It potentially saves them support costs and headaches down the road. AJ
  3. Rumor has it that Tommydaniel has selected PLANETEARTH as his running mate to challenge Robert for the nomination. AJ
  4. All of the PCS 1900 MHz spectrum holdings (except for the Providence market, which does not appear to be in active use) were detailed in my article back in October. http://s4gru.com/ind...-from-metropcs/ I did not track the AWS 2100+1700 MHz spectrum, since Sprint would not benefit. But I could round it up, too. MetroPCS does not have that many distinct markets nor that many licenses. AJ
  5. Upon further dissection of the SouthernLINC press release, it looks like users may able to utilize dual mode iDEN 800 voice/PTT and W-CDMA 2100+1700 data where available even within the SouthernLINC native footprint. AJ
  6. Sure, I would enjoy that. Are you coming to the S4GRU National Convention at McCormick Place in Chicago this summer? We have to decide if we wish to nominate Robert for a second term. AJ
  7. The merger was approved without even a vote by the commission. It was rubber stamped at the bureau level. The silver lining is that SoftBank-Sprint-Clearwire should deserve similar treatment. AJ
  8. http://transition.fcc.gov/Daily_Releases/Daily_Business/2013/db0312/DA-13-384A1.pdf AJ
  9. Do you have any protective dikes along the riverfront? http://www.hark.com/clips/cnmgrrnvbz-what-is-a-protective-dike AJ
  10. Free space path loss is predicated on the decrease in field strength density over distance as the signal spreads omnidirectionally like a growing sphere. Or, to put it in simpler terms, power is quartered with every doubling of distance. So, 1 m to 50 m is a doubling of distance about 5.5 times. That is a 34 dB path loss. But 1 km to 50 km is also a doubling of distance about 5.5 times and the same 34 dB path loss. Thus, the degree of path loss seems to diminish with distance. The greatest degree is close in to the transmitter. AJ
  11. Absent the Samsung Galaxy Nexus and maybe the LG Viper (both of which Sprint never should have released as LTE devices), all Sprint LTE devices have utilized Qualcomm baseband modems. And Qualcomm makes few, if any modems any longer that are CDMA2000 only. If the MSM has a "9" as its second digit (e.g. MSM8960), then it is 3GPP/3GPP2 with LTE. Similarly, if the MDM has a "6" as its second digit (e.g. MDM9615), then it is 3GPP/3GPP2 with LTE. AJ
  12. Well, cell sites can transmit a fair amount of power -- from several watts to several hundred watts. And if you are only 1 m from the antenna, then you are going to bear the brunt of that output. But path loss is logarithmic. Even using the free space model, at 50 m from the antenna, path loss is already 34 dB greater than it was at 1 m from the antenna. So, say that power at 1 m is 500 W (highly unlikely, but for the sake of argument). Then, power at 50 m is already down to 0.19 W. AJ
  13. What are you trying to do, Deval, give the NIMBY, tinfoil hat crowd evidence? AJ
  14. Are you suggesting that SouthernLINC is behind the times? I think that is self evident. AJ
  15. Suspicion is that it is T-Mobile because Nextel International has multi mode iDEN SMR and W-CDMA AWS handsets already. AJ
  16. Here is the SouthernLINC press release: http://www.southernlinc.com/pressroom/78-southernlinc-wireless-partners-with-prepaid-wireless-wholesale-to-sell-nationwide-voice-and-high-speed-data-services.aspx AJ
  17. I suppose that is true. My counterexample is that both MetroPCS and Cricket LTE devices have typically been authorized for bands and bandwidths that neither will ever use. We certainly have not seen that from Sprint LTE devices, though. So, that is why I am "somewhat dubious" about Sprint 3 MHz FDD LTE. But we shall have to wait and see once the band 26 devices make an appearance. AJ
  18. I am somewhat dubious that 3 MHz FDD LTE will come to fruition. Off the top of my head, I cannot think of any Sprint LTE device that is FCC tested for 3 MHz FDD LTE. AJ
  19. WiMAX is deployed in BRS/EBS 2600 MHz spectrum, not PCS 1900 MHz spectrum. And WiMAX uses OFDMA on the uplink. It is not an apples to apples comparison to LTE in PCS 1900 MHz spectrum. AJ
  20. Guys, just to be clear, SouthernLINC has apparently signed a W-CDMA/GSM roaming agreement. But SouthernLINC will not be deploying W-CDMA in its SMR 800 MHz spectrum. In fact, it does not have sufficient bandwidth to do so. And SouthernLINC could still strike a spectrum sharing arrangement with Sprint for LTE 800, then utilize its roaming agreement for W-CDMA/GSM coverage outside of its footprint because essentially all LTE chipsets also contain W-CDMA/GSM capability per 3GPP standards. AJ
  21. The same room, huh? Does one of you have lockjaw? Has this scene appeared in a TV sitcom yet? If not, it will soon. And yet those SMS have to pass through the switch all the way in El Paso. "Pass the Old El Paso. Taste the Old Southwest." AJ
  22. Guys, I know both of you live by the Mississippi. Have you been drinking directly from the river again? It looks brown, but that ain't chocolate. AJ
  23. That sounds like a backhaul capacity issue, not an airlink capacity issue. You may have numerous sites in Redding that are T1 limited. AJ
  24. All CDMA1X carriers deployed as part of Network Vision should be Advanced capable. But do not expect that to make much difference. Not all handsets seem to be including CDMA1X diversity capability to take advantage of the coverage and/or capacity gains of CDMA1X Advanced. Now, I may be a skewed sample, as I live in a strong coverage area and make relatively few voice calls, but I do not find CDMA1X coverage nor capacity to be a problem. About a year ago, Robert and I decided not to write on this particular spectrum squatter, as we did not want to give it any additional publicity. But it does affect multiple markets across the country, though it is not TeleBEEPER, which I previously mentioned regarding Tulsa. AJ
  25. I do not consider the Spectrum Dashboard to be a particularly accurate resource. Sprint was waging an FCC fight with a spectrum squatter in the Tulsa BEA. But that fight with TeleBEEPER of New Mexico seems to have been resolved in the last 3-4 months, as the FCC terminated TeleBEEPER's license for failure to meet construction requirements. But I cannot vouch that the Spectrum Dashboard has been updated since that ruling. Here is Sprint's Tulsa BEA rebanded SMR 800 MHz X block license in the FCC ULS: http://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=8258 I gather most/all of my info directly from the FCC ULS database. It is a bit like viewing The Matrix directly... AJ
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