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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. If I have that kind of power over time and space, what the hell am I doing here at this little web site talking to you? AJ
  2. We have no proof right now when or if Sprint will enable uplink CA. AJ
  3. The HTC One A9 baseband supports uplink CA. But no one ever did a teardown to determine if the full RF path supports it. Regardless, odds are that uplink CA never was implemented. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-400-htc-one-a9-the-first-sprint-handset-to-support-uplink-2x-ca/ AJ
  4. If you can fit a tablet in a case in your back pocket, then you have a big butt. And girls carry their devices in their back pockets. Fat Bottomed Girls... AJ
  5. That is four things. You can pick only two. AJ
  6. Fat bottomed girls You make the rockin' world go round AJ
  7. Many people are silly -- because they cannot write properly. They do not know how to construct apples to apples comparisons. To be correct, comparisons must be both logical and literal. AJ
  8. Percentage increase = 100[(v₂ - v₁) ÷ v₁]% If v₁ = 0, then percentage increase is ∞. AJ
  9. You edited an earlier response to me to remove some of the "emotion." But you seem to have a giant phone boner for this handset. If it were cancelled, you would be beside yourself, while other people would say, "Oh well," and move on to a different handset. AJ
  10. Too many local market questions crowded the AMA. "When is Sprint going to convert remaining 3G sites or expand native coverage around West Timbuktu, Pennsylzona?" It does not matter even if it is a major market. Gunther is not in position to answer those minor local concerns, especially with specific dates. The real missed opportunity, in my opinion, was not pressing him about CDMA2000 utilization, particularly eHRPD/EV-DO. Sprint seems to be holding on to too much legacy bandwidth rather than ripping off the bandage. AJ
  11. That, that dude looks like a baby That, that dude looks like a baby That, that dude looks like a baby That, that dude looks like a baby AJ
  12. Downlink 3x CA, not 4x CA. And be careful about listing off handset RF capabilities based on modem RF capabilities. If the handset supports it, then the modem must support it. But if the modem supports it, that does not mean the handset must support it. Many modem capabilities go unimplemented. AJ
  13. In answer to your poll, neither. CRT. So, where are the TV phones? AJ
  14. Bad logic. The equivalent to cancelling all cars would be cancelling all cellphones. This is one cellphone model, not all cellphones. Individual products do get recalled and sometimes cancelled. But that does not extrapolate to all products in the same category. Your emotion for this device is causing you to think poorly. AJ
  15. Because this is such a volatile situation, the replacement models are being released slowly in three separate batches to extinguish any further media firestorm. The three replacement model numbers will be Samsung Galaxy Note 7i/e/d. AJ
  16. The Internet is a public space. What you say or do in one place reflects upon you in other places, too. If you do not want others to weigh your speech and evaluate your competence, then you should not make statements in public anywhere. AJ
  17. Yeah, but you should see tyroned3222 on Reddit. He is part of the Magentan mob shouting down RootMetrics and claiming rigged results. He is not equipped with knowledge or analysis to come to that conclusion. Rather, RootMetrics results just do not fit his T-Mobile narrative based on anecdotal experience and belief. AJ
  18. That one speed test just consumed 126 MB, about as much "unlimited" data as I use in an entire week. AJ
  19. Well, LTE attachment and data usage can be two different metrics. The skeptics/trolls would assert that you were connected to "3G" more often than the stats would appear to show -- Sprint "3G" is so slow that, of course, you used little data. That hinges upon an assumption. It could be true or false, depending upon whether you altered your data usage behavior while not on LTE. AJ
  20. No, if a device is 2x2 MIMO capable, then it is 4x2 MIMO capable. The four antennas/streams are purely a base station enhancement, spatial diversity to assist greater 2x2 MIMO utilization. AJ
  21. Interesting. While I do not care to see such high "unlimited" data usage, the stats are interesting, nonetheless. Even at such high overall data usage, your CDMA2000 data usage is under one percent, pointing to almost 100 percent LTE attachment. And your roaming data usage is zero. Fabian would be displeased, as he is convinced that in market roaming on VZW has skewed Sprint's RootMetrics scores. He needs to see more in market roaming from you. AJ
  22. The "first gigabit class network" will use some combination of experimental and/or LAA/LTE-U spectrum. Do not look only at licensed spectrum. AJ
  23. Drop test. Do iPhone 7 Plus and iPhone 7 both fall at the same rate? Do both bounce the same height? AJ
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