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Posts posted by digiblur

  1. I am loving the latest CM11! It makes me feel like I have a N5, just with the amazing G2 hardware. :-)


    And I can test my 1x speeds by forcing 1x!


    Posted Image


    Jan 24 build is SMOOTH. So far everything works. Not sure about GPS. Maps can find my location but certain GPS apps can't find satellites. So Idk.



    Sent from my LG-LS980

    The stock build can't do that? Wow.. I would be stuck as all the phones I have used I could force 1x. Really a requirement for the druthers my market it is in as LTE and Evdo will be dead and forcing 1x is the only choice.

    • Like 1
  2. I'm getting another crash. I just installed two live wallpapers and when I try to customize it, it says that the "Live wallpaper picker has stopped." This error message happens with both that were installed.

    Can't say that I tested that on my S3 build. Let me know which ones you installed.


    Also grab a logcat.

  3. Anyone else having an issue when holding down the Home button to pull up your recently used apps and SystemUI crashing? Does it every time I try.

    No issue, works fine for me


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk

    Do a Logcat of the crash.. Do either of you have Google Search from the play store installed?

  4. OK up and running very nice as always! Thank you very much coziback and digi! Two questions one I'm assuming you pulled stock email in this one as well if so same process as before to add it back? Two how do I load prls I'm not having any luck with previous method?


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk


    Stock email is still in there.  Think we even left Exchange in there too this time around.


    The PRL Write method is the same as it was before.  Toggle Mobile Data -> ##DATA# -> View -> PRL Write. Let it reboot and toggle mobile data back on after verifying it wrote.  If you don't toggle mobile data you'll be trying to write about 10 times to make it stick.

  5. I was under the impression that B26 LTE wasn't going to propagate as far as CDMA 1x800, but it was definitely going to destroy B25 LTE in terms of coverage. I think I remember reading somewhere here that LTE 800 will probably only go a little bit further than CDMA 1900, so using 1x800 signal to determine how well your LTE 800 signal will be is not really accurate.


    Both 800 signals will go the same distance but think of it this way in layman's terms.  You have to people yelling on megaphones across a field with the same volume.  One is talking slowly and the other is talking very fast.  You could understand the one that was talking slowly farther away than you could the fast talking one.

    • Like 1
  6. That makes sense. I had a brief stint with an s4 and it used to show voice with the tower address and I liked that. Touchwiz ruined my thoughts on android, but sense is really smooth. Great phone. Can't wait for that spark update.


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk


    Switch it to 3G mode if you want to see where your 1x connection would come from. 


    Sense is on HTC phones.  Not sure what LG calls their overlay, but I find it downright hideous.  I prefer the nice look of Android KitKat on the Nexus 5, nice and dark and easy on the eyes.

    • Like 1
  7. Maybe you guys can help a new guy. Its been at least a year since I've used android. I purchased signal check pro, and this seems strange to me. Almost like I have no voice connection on the phone, yet calls and data both work.


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk


    Yep, all the 1x paging (SMS in/out, inbound call setup, etc) is done over LTE.  Once a call kicks in then 1x connects.  Saves on battery and other things.

  8. Any other goodies I should know about other than gravity box?

    I use these.. There's another ad blocking one but I just use adaway.


    Xprivacy is another favorite of mine. Block all those nasty permissions from apps and even spoofs the GPS location to where you want instead of refusing the app the call.


    Posted Image

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  9. Been running 4.3 since day one, and I'll say it's very responsive compared to stock. I'm really noticing it when doing Play Store installations. Most of the time it would just hang there or I'd get error messages, etc, but now with this ROM, it's FAST. Loving it so far!


    bigzeto showed me an old android trick.. change the animation scales to 0.5x in the Developer Options menu.  Makes it feel even faster.


    Now back to figuring out my permissions issue with the S4LA script add-on...

  10. I personally use the dalvik and bionic optimizations as well, but mainly for battery life. I found that the performance difference it makes is negligible in real world scenarios (though it makes my Snapdragon 800 look like a Snapdragon 800 in benchmarks like Quadrant), but I've seen a significant increase in battery life. I think I've posted this before, but with mobile data and syncing off, my phone will be at 87%, 88%, and ever greater than 90% sometimes at the end of my 9 hour work day. This is in a low Sprint signal area (which is why I turn off mobile data), so it's not like my phone is just sleeping there. It's actually struggling to keep a signal most of the time.


    Same here, I had a big jump in battery life going to the dalvik and bionic library optimizations.  I really didn't notice much on the speed side.  My device is on AT&T right now so I can't compare it Sprint wise but I can easily go through a day of work with streaming a bit of music, and other general uses and have 60% battery left when I get home.

  11. So far so good, installing apps from the market


    Please note, the Play Store and other apps may appear to hang as the Google Services framework is updating to the latest version.  I have included the older 6.x version of Google Maps for those that prefer this version since it allows KML layers and other features.  The Play Store will automatically update this app when on WiFi, turn this option off and uninstall any updates to Google Maps if you prefer this version.

  12. Yeah, any news would be great.  However, I think I have come to the conclusion now that we are almost 4 months with the GN3 and they still have not solved the GN2 800 problem.  I think that it's a hardware problem and they are trying to sweep it under the rug.  I think the GN2 is now going into the dustbin of history.




    I agree there.  I believe they had a QC issue with some batches and decided to just axe them all from BC10 support as it was really the only way.

  13. And once you get it flashed and things are rolling...give a big shout out to COZisBack as this wouldn't be here today without his extensive/tiring testing, the very high risk of killing his device due to the issues we had, and motivation/pushing me to do this!  ;)

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