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Everything posted by ryman101

  1. I ended up giving up, and then on my way home from work when I switched towers to the one on the other side of town I got a couple of back texts that I hadn't received and had been sent hours prior. My replies all sent fine. I'm hoping it's because they are doing work, and if I get that error again I will try profile and prl updates, thanks for the tip! Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4
  2. My gs3 keeps giving me error code 34 when trying to send text messages today, anyone else have this problem? I'm not sure if it is a result of work but I haven't seen any mention of it on S4GRU, only on Sprint community forums. It is really obnoxious. Any advice would be appreciated. Already tried cycling airplane mode and rebooting the device to no avail. Sent from my Galaxy SIII using Tapatalk 4
  3. That's awesome, was it a strong signal there? Could be coming from Calkins road but that's a stretch. Could mean they are testing on a tower around there somewhere. Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4
  4. Grabbed this speedtest from the one spot I know of in the whole damn town I manage to get LTE from the upgraded tower so many miles away. It's a crazy fluke for sure, but I'm hella impressed. Cannot WAIT for these kinds of speeds to proliferate, this is going to be a beast network. Sent from my Galaxy SIII using Tapatalk 4
  5. They probably won't be building any new towers, but if you get signal, meaning any decent amount of bars on your phone, you will likely see an improvement in network speeds in your area anyway. I would assume that since you're in an area of town without many towers, that the capacity of the current infrastructure is as dire as it's going to get where you are. You will at least get better speeds where you can catch LTE in areas nearer to the towers, and if you have any signal at all the new equipment and fiber backhaul will also make for a better experience. As far as actual coverage goes, I would count on any new towers in the near future but if you are lucky than CDMA 800 and even LTE 800 will make its way to Rochester soon. Also, not sure what bands the Moto X supports in terms of LTE 800, but you will for sure see the benefits in terms of voice coverage at least when the CDMA 800 rolls out! Sent from my Galaxy SIII using Tapatalk 4
  6. I am wondering if the LTE signal I am getting from my house is bouncing off the metal window frame or something, seems that I only get LTE signal in a very short area around it, and the signal is only strong enough to keep right in the middle of the window frame lol... Just seems unreasonable that I would get an LTE signal so far from the upgraded sites, anyone have any thoughts on why it would propagate only in my window frame? Maybe it is acting like an antenna of sorts. This is such a tease, Sprint!!! Upgrade the sites around me already Edit: According to SignalCheck I must be bouncing off the Martin Road site, which is wild considering how far away it is.
  7. Managed to grab this standing with my phone right in the window today, still no idea where it is coming from as this is the only place I've ever been able to hold onto a strong enough signal that it doesn't go back to 3G. I also put some speedtests in Sensorly for Honeoye Falls from the spot where I am. Sent from my Galaxy SIII using Tapatalk 4
  8. I misread your post and got all excited thinking this speedtest was done in Gates lol! We will get speeds like this someday soon I hope.
  9. I found it browsing through this site, took me a while to figure out what it was but I'm really glad I did. For anyone reading this, the app is called SignalCheck Pro and I really recommend it. Sent from my Galaxy SIII using Tapatalk 4
  10. I respectfully disagree quite strongly with several parts of this. If I get what you are saying correctly, that lack of limits lead to lack of discipline, there are several ways this is not (or does not have to be) the case. You are correct on a few levels, but I believe it's a bit of a sandbox experiment. In other words, if a person is grown without limits, or "spoiled" as they say, and has no idea whatsoever what their dollar paying for unlimited commodities is actually worth in terms of their own usage, then I would agree they may grow to be unnecessarily excessive or irresponsible with their consumption. This, however, does not mean that a human being cannot learn to grasp the concepts of responsibility and frugality, without necessarily having their usage limited arbitrarily. I call it arbitrary because you make it sound as if the biggest purpose for having limits is to discipline people into using commodities responsibly, and this most certainly would be arbitrary to a person like myself. I have a lot of things without limits, but through research and care out of interest, I am responsible and not excessive with my usage because I know what it costs the companies that provide me with unlimited services and also what it costs the other people that use those services if I behave inappropriately with my "unlimited" use. Yes, having limits is a quick way to push that concept into the forefront of people's minds because the cost of their squandering will become apparent when a bill slaps them in the face, but it is most definitely not always necessary. I would be willing to agree that SOME people need limits, because there's always going to be that crowd in every society that takes that "everyone else, be damned" attitude and push their unlimited to the "limit" (so to speak), and I would also agree that in our society said crowd is getting scary large. However, I will always fundamentally believe that if someone is wise enough to listen when the situation rationally explained to them, that they can learn responsibility without having a shackle placed on them in terms of how much they can use without being charged. They can learn to use their resources responsibly for the benefit of everyone's collective experience without being forcibly limited into doing so. Furthermore, this type of bond leads to far better trust between the customer and the company than if the company doesn't give the customer the chance to be responsible and imposes limits from the start. This is the reason that I am with Sprint in the first place. I may be able to afford the data that I use on another carrier, maybe even for a better price. I actually WANT to stay with Sprint because they give me that option, it makes me feel free even if I don't need the freedom. It feels like they trust their customers, and a lot of people really like and respect that. Apologies if I've ranted a bit, I'm trying to just have a respectful and polite discussion about my views and no offense to anyone was intended.
  11. Just to make sure I wasn't just going crazy yesterday haha. Update: Managed to catch this this morning so now I know I'm definitely not crazy! Sent from my Galaxy SIII using Tapatalk 4
  12. Well that's just weird then. No idea how someone could be excited about seeing 4G when there's no 4G. Maybe she was right and they are doing testing or something over there, who knows. Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4
  13. If only she knew that spreading false information would get everyone who looked at this thread's hopes up only to have them smashed into a million sad little pieces... Lol..... Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4
  14. Damn that's really sad :-( the customer that reported 4G at the airport must have been talking about WiMax or something. I definitely did have LTE in Honeoye Falls south of the city though, even if it was only a weak signal for a few seconds. I am hoping they won't be too much longer with another big "lightning round" of upgrades. Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4
  15. That would be awesome if they are right, I always struggled to get usable 3G at the airport on Sprint, that area really needed work. I have been walking around Honeoye Falls and am at work now, no other sign of the mysterious 4G signal I had pop up twice at my house. I am therefore doubtful it came from one of the two towers in town. The signal was really weak, like -115 to -120 before it vanished a few seconds after, so I was definitely on the very edge. I can only assume that it probably came from one of the towers farther to the south. Hopefully all this news means that work in Rochester is going to start getting some momentum again! Sent from my Galaxy SIII using Tapatalk 4
  16. Just wanted to post here that in Honeoye Falls today, south of Rochester, my signalcheck app on my S3 was buzzing in alert that I had caught an LTE signal, so we might have a tower in testing or potentially going live today. I will be heading off to work soon, so more details later when I can get outside and walk around. I will open up sensorly if anything pops up.
  17. Do you mean like using both bands at the same time? I am confuzzled what you mean by combining the carriers.
  18. I don't believe so, as I believe most of those technologies are implemented network-side. This is a pretty interesting read if you're interested in learning about that kind of thing: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIMO Basically, I think this more or less means the antenna becomes "smart" in splitting up the spectrum it broadcasts on for more efficient data use. As for carrier aggregation, if anything that will probably improve battery life, as the phone will likely select the radio technologies that are best suited for its location. For example, if you're in a brick building connecting automatically to LTE 800 will be more power efficient than trying to maintain a weak LTE 1900 signal.
  19. It's still a nexus I guarantee you it's in better shape now than any other phone of the same generation. New hardware is great, but people underestimate how much regular software updates can add to the user experience of a phone that gets regular daily use. I'm already getting prepared to get angry with Samsung for not updating my Galaxy S3 to KitKat/KeyLimePie (whichever it may be) and it isn't even out yet! It's just going to be a tease to see it pop up on my Nexus 7 while I sit here using what was once a flagship phone that will feel crippled running older software. You made a smart buy, even if it's starting to show its age
  20. AND, by the way. I love Canada as a country for sure and every Canadian I know is great. BUT, in the spirit of good humor, that video frankly made me laugh my a$$ off. Very well played, sir! And long live South Park!
  21. Everyone appreciates the work you put into publishing information here at S4GRU, this is just silly semantics. You wanted to refer to it as "a" Blackberry OS, meaning the OS used by the Blackberry, and the above poster wanted you to refer to it as "the" Blackberry OS, meaning following the software manufacturer's naming scheme and calling it what they called it. No harm, no foul, everyone who reads this is going to get the point of the post no matter which way you say Blackberry OS. In all honesty, most people around here nowadays are likely unfamiliar with the naming convention anyways unless they use Blackberries, a phenomenon that is becoming notably rarer these days with the market shares of iOS, Android, and even Windows Phone being what they are. Anyways, thank you for your time in putting the read together, I don't think anyone wants to offend you by nitpicking at the small things, I for one appreciate your efforts very much!
  22. The two sites I have been getting the awesome speeds from are officially marked 3G accepted on the map!!! Lets hope Samsung makes quick work of flipping on the LTE switches on their 3G accepted sites. They are also definitely making their way toward the city as time goes on, I don't think it should be too long now so exciting in an extremely nerdy kind of way!!!
  23. In case you haven't found it already http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/517-nv-sites-complete/
  24. It may not be official yet, but speeds today I think prove pretty well I am running off of NV equipment here in Honeoye Falls, South of the city. Sent from my Galaxy SIII using Tapatalk 4
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