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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. To Sprint, AAV is any other high speed backhaul not provided by an ILEC or microwave. Sometimes AAV is fiber. Sometimes AAV is from the cable company. Its basically any alternative high speed backhaul other than from an ILEC or microwave. In this situation, for the most part, all backhaul in NV is equal. And here is why... Sprint put out all the NV backhaul to bid. In the bid requirements, it spells the minimum specifications the bidder must achieve at each site. Minimum speed, minimum throughput and capacity, maximum allowable down time...every performance criteria. The bidders then could use any backhaul solution at each site that meets the criteria outlined in the bid documents and subsequent contract. If Sprint limited the type of backhaul that could be used at each site, it would have taken years longer and a lot more money to complete NV. And since all the backhaul has to meet all the same specifications, there is no loss to Sprint for alternative backhaul uses. The reality with 38,000 different locations needing high speed backhaul in a small schedule window means that Sprint needed to be flexible and open minded with the backhaul and do something different. I think this was a brilliant solution, because the site conditions at every site and what is available is very unique. Let private market people local to each market find the best backhaul solution to each site. Most markets have more than one backhaul vendor. And if Sprint ends up having a problem with backhaul at a specific site, because it is not meeting contract specification requirements, all Sprint has to do is make a call. And the vendor has to do something to bring it back up to contract specifications. If they don't within 30 days, Sprint can hire someone else to provide backhaul and backcharge the original vendor. This is a great system that will serve Sprint well, and ultimately their customers. No need to worry about AAV. In fact, we should embrace it. It is going to provide a brilliant backhaul solution to us all and allow us to have NV sooner. Viva la AAV! Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  2. Many Premier Sponsors choose to make $20-$25 installment donations until they reach $100 in total donations. Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  3. laser pointer Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  4. Lancer Evo Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  5. center point Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  6. There are a lot of fatalists out there. But when you remove Nextel subscribers from the numbers, Sprint is doing OK and not losing customers. I think most people are in a wait and see mode. There are even millions more who want to switch to Sprint. They are just waiting to see how NV goes. Once entire markets start completing NV, and the "all clear" siren is blasted, people will start coming to Sprint in good numbers. NV is critical to Sprint's survival and future successes. In my personal sphere, I get more and more people than ever before asking me questions about Sprint. Because they are interested in jumping. Some have. Some are waiting a little longer for improvements. Some are just riding out the end of their contracts to switch. I always give them an honest assessment. And some have said, nevermind. However, there are a lot of people starting to root for Sprint. They want Sprint and NV to be successful. They want another viable option. And Sprint has a great opportunity. They need to continue with NV at full throttle, they need to keep the device lineup of awesome devices moving and they need to keep pushing the unlimited differentiation. Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  7. My EVO LTE is still on 25003. It wont even update to 25004 when I ask for a PRL update. Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  8. burnt sienna Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  9. small fry Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  10. big backseat Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  11. Limo Driver Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  12. laundry pile Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  13. I've not made any changes to the map since it was posted. I will be working on S4GRU most of tomorrow and will take a look at it. I'm pretty tied up today. Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  14. I don't know of any SMR spectrum resources that Sprint could count on in the next few years, other than maybe SouthernLINC and Preferred Wireless. But Sprint should always keep a contingency plan in place for any useful SMR spectrum resources that could open up in the future. Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  15. Chinese Watertorture Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  16. Sprint is mostly deploying 1xAdvanced for capacity gains. Except in rural, edge of service sites where they are deploying for coverage gains in some circumstances. Sprint would be very interested in SouthernLINC if they can be scooped up. Currently, Sprint is unable to put a full size 800 LTE carrier in places SL has service. If they are able to buy them out, they could put in a 5x5 800 LTE carrier throughout the South. I think SL already has a rebanding plan. Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  17. Given today's news of CSpire (aka CellSouth) lawsuit of ATT/Qualcomm collusion, your post almost appears prophetic. Robert
  18. I thought I had seen this graphic before. S4GRU writer Scott Johnson (Pyroscott) included this same graphic in an article he wrote for us last March on a single LTE iPhone. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-149-could-there-be-one-iphone-to-rule-the-world%e2%80%99s-lte-networks/ In the comments section of our article, AJ makes the point that this graphic is created by an analyst and cautioned that we should not read too much into this. Its quite possible the person who created the graphic took frequency sets and looked up band classes to post for the graphic. It would be really easy to select Band Class 2 for Band Class 25 if selecting from a list and not knowing much about band classes. Also, BC 25 is a newer class. If the graphic designer was working off an older list, he may not even known there was a BC25. All of this is pretty speculative at this point. But Apple wouldn't have to do much to get Sprint LTE support into this device as its currently configured. And given the source of the graphic, we cannot put too much credence in it at any rate. Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  19. Ancient History Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  20. Its not an if situation, but rather when. Network Vision is being deployed over all 38k Sprint CDMA sites nationwide. We are just about to launch a series of schedule update articles the first week of June. One of the articles will highlight Detroit/East Michigan. Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
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