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Posts posted by S4GRU

  1. There are things I like about Samsung devices. There are things I like about HTC devices. However, I would consider any OEM for a flagship device, if it had the specs and build quality I'm looking for. Especially if the price is on point.


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

  2. Hey Robert would you be able to tell me if they started NV in 60087? Around Lewis and sunset?


    Sent From My Evo 4G Amped Up On Verizon Tower Power!


    Looks like they are just starting NV at some sites in Waukegan. Three of them are scheduled to start NV in May. The rest look like August. The May sites will have 3G come live pretty quickly. The 4G LTE will come live later (like all the Chicago market). Although it appears the schedule may have slipped a little by a week or two.


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner


    Frankly' date=' I consider that a waste of resources. They could have gotten everything ready for NV, but just put a software restriction in to prevent faster data speeds to maintain their "schedule". Oh well, that's just my opinion.[/quote']


    I agree to some extent. However, I wonder if new sites are handled by their Network Manager, Ericsson? ALU is the NV vendor for Phoenix. So its probably two separate contracts handling two separate things. Plus, we don't know how "new" this site is. Is it one month old, three months old, six months old? We aren't sure.


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

    • Like 1

    Come on Robert' date=' you used to scour the maps and news sites to get all the new protection sites for us!![/quote']


    True, true. But the days of scouring Clearwire maps for new Protection Sites are over. I can still remember the excitement of when I would find a new site. Oh, happy days.


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

  5. Wow, I have really enjoyed having ICS on my phone, but now having it on this tablet... it definitely seems like it works even better on a tablet than a phone.


    Sent from my Kindle Fire running CM9.


    I completely agree. Even my cheap Chinese tablet was almost a joy with ICS. How did installing CM9 go? Any hiccups? I may go the same route.



  6. To me it looks sorta of bare compared to some towers I have seen around my area.


    Yeah, I suppose. But it's a Sprint only site that is broadcasting only 1900MHz 1x and EVDO. So there is no need for more than what you see. And likely, after Network Vision work is complete, there will be just one combined panel with 800/1900 CDMA and LTE on each sector. For a month or two after NV panels are put up, you will see three panels per sector, but after the legacy is removed, you will be just left with one NV panel per sector. That will look even more lonely than now. :)



    • Like 1
  7. Sorry, what I was trying to get at, was that there is probably some limitation to sharing the same antenna, like either WiFi+Wimax or WiFi+LTE but not WiFi+Wimax+LTE. Yea I know a Wimax phone couldn't support LTE, sorry for the confusion.


    The antenna can be shared with several technologies in many instances. Like 1x and EVDO can share an antenna. Apparently, the Clearwire CEO thinks that WiFi and LTE antennas can be shared. They just would not be able to operate at the same time.



    • Like 2
  8. Could this be the reason why Sprint said the LTE phones wouldn't support WiMax (LTE+WiFi sharing). Just a thought...


    I'm not sure I follow you. However, a WiMax device cannot have it's WiFi antenna and software be modified to run LTE. It takes a LTE device to be able to modify it that way. But I am probably completely misunderstanding what you are trying to say.



  9. The one thing I wanted definite confirmation on was the American bound LTE processor? Is this quad core LTE capable, or are they going with the S4 like so many rumors have said. Did anyone else see this answered definitively? Maybe I missed it?



  10. If that is the case, then wouldn't the new EVO 4G LTE be able to use the Clear's LTE since the S4 does TD-LTE?


    If we take the comments from Clearwire's CEO at face value and extremely literally, then we could conclude that any LTE device that has a WiFi antenna and a chipset and modem that support TD-LTE could be modified to run on Clearwire's TD-LTE network. I would love to hear more info on it though. Because as of today, the only place I've seen anyone say that is the quote referenced in this thread. :scratch:


    On another note, we have seen lots of things from Sprint and Clearwire relating to TD-LTE, but I have yet to see anything that confirms the concept of going back and getting existing LTE devices an update to run on the 2500 TD-LTE network. But I am intrigued at the thought.


    Wouldn't that be a trivial thing to do or would there be a lot of red tape to overcome?


    I don't think it is a big deal to resubmit it to the FCC for testing of the new frequencies. But in the case of the EVO LTE, if there was a way to modify the device with an OTA to make it run Clearwire TD-LTE, then they would have to get it tested through the FCC before pushing that OTA.



    • Like 1
  11. Looks like the tower that is closest to me is 2.90Km or 1.8 Miles. Being that distance away, should my signal strength be that low to begin with?


    Absolutely it can be. Signal strength at a distance like that is very dependent on down tilt, or you may be perfectly situated between sectors. If you have line of site to a tower at 1.8 miles you probably would lose only one or two bars on most signal strength indicators. However, if the downtilt was aimed just short of your location, you could drop to as low as one or two bars on your signal strength indicator. Dense foliage and your building type of construction can make a difference too.



  12. As an ASC tech, we don't care... LOL


    I encourage users to take FULL advantage of their devices. Hardware failures are obviously hardware, rooting does not come into play what so ever (ie: white screen). Software and radio related issues is where you have a problem. It's hard enough trouble shooting a device with stock software, let alone custom ROM's. I simply tell customers I will have to return the phone to stock in order to rule out any user initiated errors.


    And that is a very reasonable approach. As a device MOD'er myself, that's what I would expect Sprint to expect from me. However, anything greater than that is overkill by the carrier IMO.



    • Like 1
  13. Robert, can you tell me if AT70XC192 is on the 30 day list to be converted to LTE in Athens? It's literally in my backyard...


    No. Work to start in July and 4G On-Air date in August for that site.



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