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Posts posted by S4GRU

  1. I would love to have 3Mbps uploads on a consistent basis. Then I could upload videos to YouTube for my church without any problems creeping up anymore. Uploads on WiMax have been too unstable for me since I first got the Clear iSpot.


    You raise an interesting conundrum that I don't think Sprint has fully thought through. And this could possibly derail unlimited for the long run, but...


    With unlimited LTE, Sprint LTE speeds are going to be faster than approx. 75% - 80% of their customers home ISP's. Many people may try to abandon their Home ISP's and try to exploit Sprint LTE for home service, or like in your case, why use a local ISP limited to 600k or 1.5Mbps upload speeds? Many people will jump on the Sprint LTE to do uploads with their 5-10Mbps upload speeds. Even I might be tempted. I only have 600kbps upload at my home myself.


    I expect Sprint to crack down on unauthorized tethering on their new LTE network. The new network has ample controls to indentify tetherers. I don't see the status quo being maintained. And they are going to have to implement something to preserve the new network. Sprint does not have the spectrum resources to be a Home ISP for even 20% of its data customers.



    • Like 3
  2. I also think that it's a bit early to completely write-off aggregation. When EVDO came out, people complained about battery life. When LTE came out, people complained about battery life.


    As chipsets mature and manufacturing processes mature, we see substantial improvements in battery life (28nm qualcomm, for example).


    I always thought of aggregation as the best tool to seamlessly load balance between different bands. Do I have that wrong?


    I don't disagree with your logic and conclusions. But when you consider that there is no capacity gain with carrier aggregation, there is only speed gain, why bother? This is just my opinion of course. Just one lone voice of many. But I don't have any interest in losing battery life for more speed that I don't need.


    3-5Mbps meets my needs. 10-15Mbps is just gravy, to me. 30Mbps wireless speeds? It's hyperbole in my opinion. Why should carriers pay so much money for the extra speeds? Customers are not going to pay more for it. That's for darn sure.


    Look at home ISP's. When there is a la carte pricing based on speed, the lion share of customers purchase speeds less than 10Mbps. If we did the same with mobile and institued speed based a la carte pricing, I bet consumers would not care one peep about 20, 30, 50Mbps mobile speeds. They would pick something that meets their needs. Like 5 to 10 Mbps.


    If I owned a wireless company, I would go with 5x5 carriers and just keep adding for capacity. Market why it's better to have an unlimited 10Mbps network that meets your needs and avoid CA. All just my opinion.




    Robert' date=' do you have some links on the effect of carrier aggregation on MIMO? I know that MIMO is a challenge at 700 and 800MHz because of the size of the antennas and the lack of real estate on smartphones, but I'd like to read the technical reason on why you can't have MIMO and carrier aggregation at 1900MHz.[/quote']


    We are planning an article on carrier aggregation based on internal Sprint documents we've seen. My info comes from that.


    Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner


    That non removable battery is still a bit of a buzzkill though. Especially for us heavy hitters that dont want to tote around a portable charger


    Its probably the only significant negative about the EVO LTE. But the 'pro' column is chock full of items. The battery isn't enough to stop me from buying one, but it is a bummer.


    Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner

    • Like 1
  5. Why not put TDD-LTE on 800? Isn't that going to be what Clear uses in 2013?


    You can't. The FCC has broken down 800 into uplink and downlink sections. TDD would require FCC approval and then larger guard bands would be needed so as to not interfere with adjacent usage. This would waste spectrum and not really feasible and would have no discernable benefit.


    Clearwire TD-LTE is already being designed to seamlessly handoff to Sprint FD-LTE. So no issues there.


    Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner


    So being in a non wiimax area' date=' you think I'm more LTE prone? Oh yes I definetly plan on getting an LTE device, maybe sgs3. If LTE comes here soon after. But I really need better service inside buildings. That's my main concern. As long as that's better along with NV and LTE I'm good to go!


    Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2[/quote']


    My comment about being in a Non WiMax area was more about how you can an upgrade to a LTE device at anytime and not be giving up WiMax connectivity, because you currently don't have any now.


    Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner


    LOL' date=' I came back to correct myself and you beat me to it.


    Edit: I believe I remember 2Ringsbr saying that they primarily use 850mhz for EVDO and only use 1900mhz in markets where they lack 850 spectrum. Of course, I can't find the post.[/quote']


    They have 1x and EVDO on both 850 and 1900 here. But that's because of the Alltel buyout.


    Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner


    Pretty sure the bootanimation has been on there longer than that post....coulda sworn an RUU leaked a few days to a week ago on xda for the device that all this stuff was pulled from obviously...


    Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2


    Yeah, they source XDA at the bottom of their article.


    Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner

  9. LTE Carrier Aggregation is not the panacea its being heralded. It causes significant device battery drain and prevents the use of MIMO in smartphones.


    I personally think deploying 5x5 LTE carriers is more than sufficient with Sprint spectrum. It performs more than acceptably and exceeds the needs of 95% of customers. Maybe even more. Sprint's 5MHz LTE is faster than most of their customers home ISP's! And it is way faster than smartphones can even appreciate and handle.


    I think customers will really be more than happy with 10-15 Mbps LTE speeds. Any faster than that is just a pecker size contest. Sprint should reject carrier aggregation and just focus on more carriers (and spectrum) for capacity. Clearwire should also avoid CA and just deploy 20MHz TD-LTE carriers. They will exceed VZW speeds. That should be enough for bragging rights.


    What would you rather have? A fast Sprint LTE device with a battery that lasts all day? Or a blazing fast Sprint LTE device with carrier aggregation that will last half a day?


    For me the choice is easy. No carrier aggregation. I just think consumers are going to reject speeds beyond 10-15Mbps soon. It will just be bragging rights on paper only. It will have no real usable difference for smartphone users.


    Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner

    • Like 2
  10. Dang. I won't be seeing that for a while. What's vzw 3G building penetration?


    Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2


    In some places where they have 850MHz, it can be very good (like here in NM). In places where thetly just use PCS (like Dallas) it is the same as Sprint.


    In fact, Sprint will be better than VZW at NV sites in places where VZW only uses PCS, because Sprint is installing radios up high behind their antennas in Network Vision for an approximate 20% signal/propagation gain.


    Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner

  11. In 2012, Sprint starts deploying a 1xAdvanced carrier in 800 SMR during Network Vision. This allows better signal propagation for voice and 1x data for devices that are 800 CDMA capable (not the iPhone).


    In Mid 2013, Sprint will start deploying 800 LTE. This will allow high speed data to have better propagation.


    However, Sprint has no plans to put 3G EVDO on 800. They do not have enough spectrum to put more than 1x and LTE on 800. And in some markets, they don't have enough to even put LTE on 800 (or will have to use a smaller carrier). AJ is working on an article this week on 800 deployment info.


    Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner

  12. So I was browsing the Sprint Website this morning and I noticed that they still offer 6 phones that are on the Nextel network. What is Sprint thinking? Anyone care to explain that logic?


    EOL has already been announced for iDEN devices. However, perhaps they will still sell existing inventory for existing customers as device replacement in case of damage, etc.


    I would hope that they would not sell them to new customers, or if they did, they would fully explain that the system is being decommissioned soon and they will need to commute their service to Sprint Direct Connect in the coming months to complete their contract.


    Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner

  13. Also kind of another question to go along with this Robert' date=' with the info you get about upgraded NV towers, do you also get info about what backhaul is used? I'd be curious to see what was used in my areas towers.[/quote']


    In some markets, the schedule for each site shows the backhaul being used.


    Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner

  14. so must of us probably seen the pictures of the lte coverage from the other forum athens georgia but what i want to know did anybody get any upgraded 3g speeds or improved 3g speeds as of lately


    My 3G speeds stay between 1.0Mbps and 1.4Mbps 24 hours a day in Northern New Mexico around Los Alamos, Española and Pojoaque.


    Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner

  15. Leaked EVO 4G LTE boot animation? Its definitely similar to that on the EVO 3D.




    Note the shout out to S4GRU in the article' date=' too. :)[/quote']


    Yeah, I came across that write up yesterday when reviewing the S4GRU referrers report. Interesting.


    Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner

  16. I think 2014-2015 would be a good time for Sprint to look at a total buyout of Clearwire. By then we'll see how Clearwire's LTE network is shaping up and whether their balance sheet is improving. Right now Sprint needs to focus on Network Vision and with the latest delays, they might need to infuse more cash so that the vendor crews can catch up. They just have too many things on their plate right now that any huge cash drain would really hamper Network Vision.


    Agreed. Once iDEN is completely decommissioned and the losses written off, and Network Vision cash burn is completing, Sprint should be above the profitability threshold. Sprint will be in a completely different position come Q1-2014.



  17. Here is a Sprint 4G LTE coverage map of the live sites as of April 28, 2012 in the Athens, Georgia area. These are all the LTE "On-Air" sites where Sprint is actively broadcasting a LTE signal. They are not necessarily connectable, as Sprint is blocking LTE access to many sites at this time.




    S4GRU Sponsors can use an interactive version of this map to zoom in and pan around by following this link: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/883-lte-coverage-map-athens-georgia-area/

  18. this was taken right next to the tower today


    Awesome. I'm working on an Athens LTE coverage map right now.






    again right next to the tower


    That -83dBm, is a -69dBm equivalent. On LTE signals, you will need to "add" 14 to the reading for comparative purposes. At least on the GNex. May be the case with the Viper and EVO LTE too.



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