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Posts posted by S4GRU

  1. It is possible to use the WiFi antenna to run 2500/2600 LTE if the chipset/radio are designed for it in the device. Of course, you wouldn't be able to run WiFi at the same time. But who needs that?


    The new iPhone will be 95% ready to support LTE 2500. Will Apple want to take it that last little bit further to support Clearwire's upcoming TD-LTE network? We will see.


    Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner

    • Like 1

    Robert question for you... knowing when things are completed are great.. but is there a way to show us sites actively in the process of being upgraded. Yes I want my cake too lol


    I'm considering making a 30 day schedule map. A map showing all the sites scheduled in the next 30 days to come online. But it will take a little work to set that database up.


    Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner

    • Like 5
  3. Depends on how you would use it. If you do lots of streaming of audio and/or video in a car or commuter rail, I would not recommend WiMax. WiMax hand off between sites is very poor.


    So if you are staying on 3G anyway, you should go with a LTE device. However, if you would only largely use WiMax in stationary situations, then it may be OK for you.


    Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner

  4. How is u tethering in 4g every time i use it it bumps me down to 3g???


    Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk 2


    I tether on WiMax, no problem.


    Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner

  5. Our mission statement at S4GRU is: "To provide a forum for discussion and education about wireless spectrum, networks, and Sprint Network Vision, in particular, in an online community that is mature, intelligent, and free from uncritical negativity."


    Please keep this in mind. This thread is careening in to "uncritical negativity." The thread is not about poor speeds. It's asking about who has seen improved 3G speeds. Please help to keep this on topic. Thanks.



    • Like 1
  6. Sprint now has 627 Network Vision sites up and running in 13 markets. Below is a screen shot of the Completed Network Vision map that we keep in our Sponsors section.





    Sponsors can follow this link to the interactive map and zoom in and pan around and look at all the completed sites. This is one of several advantages of being a sponsor of S4GRU. Not to mention you get to help pay the finances and keep online one of the most valuable Sprint resources ever created!


    You should consider becoming a Sponsor today. Our PayPal donation link is located in the upper right hand corner of the Forums page.

    • Like 2
  7. This must be something sprint injected in the aosp code for effected phone on ics because its not present in cm9 on my nexus s 4g. My nexus s 4g accepts my msl and its on 4.0.4. That could be a big problem. Maybe today's supposedly update for the sprint galaxy nexus fixes it.


    Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk 2Edited...


    Yeah. I live on my DEBUG screen!!! I'm going through withdrawals.



  8. Has anyone tried calling sprint for the lock code?


    Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk 2


    Yes, Sprint doesn't know what it is. They insist using the MSL #, which doesn't work.


    did you root and try "getprop ril.msl" in mobile terminal?


    Yes. Nothing comes up as the Lock Code. Me and hundreds of other hackers have tried every conceivable code there is all to no avail. At least, so far. :(



  9. I read that write-up too Robert, but maybe I'm still missing something. What's exactly happening with the "data speed upgrade" as opposed to a "data capacity upgrade" which would be additional backhaul?


    I've seen both, as well as voice upgrades, in my area on the sprint website.


    Here are definitions of the upgrades shown at network.sprint.com:

    • data speed upgrade = An additional T1 line. In some really heavy usage sites, it might be two T1 lines.
    • data capacity upgrade = An additional 3G EVDO carrier
    • voice upgrade = An additional 1x Voice/Data carrier


    • Like 3
  10. Well I don't know how to get into the debug menu anyway... it's locked with something other than the MSL.


    This same thing happened to me when I was on the GS2 and upgraded to ICS - nobody seems to know why the MSL doesn't work anymore.


    I'm in the same boat. I cannot get into my DEBUG menu when I upgraded to ICS. It now has something called a Lock Code. I haven't found anyone online yet who has figured out what their lock code is or how to hack it. :(



  11. Sprint earns $2 Billion dollar contract with the Western States Contracting Alliance

    -Business Wire



    Not exactly sure what this is, but it sounds lucrative.


    These procurement consortiums are all the latest rage for government agencies. We have similar outfits here in New Mexico that School Districts use to purchase things. In aggregate, 89 New Mexico School Districts have much more buying power as one group than they do individually. This sounds like exactly the same concept on a much larger scale.



    • Like 2
  12. Yeah, I saw your write up, but I was hoping for some people who had this work done to see what exactly is happening in the real world.


    Maybe someone will respond to you. But I assure you that my comments in that thread are based on real world observations that are what members and social media followers have been saying to me for months in comments, posts, threads, PM's, etc. They are not my personal machinations or flights of fancy on my part.



    • Like 2
  13. In my case I have no access to land based ISP's period. So maybe a data card would be to my favor in the long run. I just have to be careful not to go over the limit since overage is charged per MB, not $10 per GB over.


    I feel for your circumstance. But unfortunately for the long run, you will likely need to figure something else out. In order to keep unlimited for smartphones, Sprint will have to crack down on tethering. Usage limits for hotspots and data cards are going to be sticking around. If you must stay with a mobile broadband ISP, then you will likely have to find a way to stay within a usage threshold of 5GB or 10GB some time in the future.



    • Like 1
  14. On network.sprint.com for your area, did you just have a lot of data speed upgrades? I am asking because I want to see if the band-aid fixes they are doing before NV actually work, or if the network goes down to a crawl once the subscribers realize they have data that is usable again.


    My area is supposed to be getting the band-aid fixes in about 4 months, but NV isn't scheduled to start until sometime next year, so I hope I don't have to wait over a year for usable data.


    I did a write up about this in another thread recently: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/825-network-woes-fixes/page__pid__14438#entry14438



  15. Other lte sites I have been on cycle the signal. This site did not. No debug screen.. I didn't know about it


    Try your Debug screen the next time when you are cycling through LTE. You get there by pressing ##DEBUG# in your phone dialer. In a LTE device, they may not even have a LTE section in the DEBUG menu. I don't know. But it's worth checking out.



  16. now for the bad news... an LTE tower thats on the LTE Active list for Athens:

    AT04XC508 is not allowing LTE connections, further...



    What happens when you try to use LTE there? Does it show anything in the DEBUG screens saying it is trying to connect? Do you see it flash through the signal indicator? Just curious what happens when a LTE device tries to connect to a live site that Sprint is blocking. Respond when you get a chance.



  17. I thought it was interesting Sprint's management team stated that they haven't seen a change in new subscriber usage trends since they became the only carrier offering unlimited. Many bloggers predicted that all the heavy users would flock to Sprint... but that hasn't been the case according to Hesse.


    If you are a heavy user, performance is likely a very important factor. And Sprint hasn't been a network performance leader the past 18 months. :)


    Hopefully, these heavy users at Verizon and AT&T have been "reprogrammed" and don't consume data the way they used to. I would hate to see a large influx of new system hogs invade the unlimited LTE network. It just will mean draconian limitations for us sooner than later.



  18. That's a good point. I always just assumed that LTE advanced allowed for seamless hand-off. I don't want to go back to the days of getting stuck on 1x while streaming radio, heh.


    So, without LTE-Advanced, would it be possible to do seamless hand-offs between different 5x5 carriers? It seems like there would be no point to LTE-Advanced if Sprint could manage traffic with seemless handoffs (IE I am streaming radio outside, walk inside, seamlessly hand-off to ESMR from PCS to have an uninterrupted listening experience).


    With buffering ahead in a streaming experience, there should be no issues handing off between LTE carriers, or even LTE Advanced carriers, from a streaming performance standard. However, if you are in a position where you were not buffered ahead very far, you may notice handoffs.



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