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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. Really? Did you send it while I was on vacation in July? Do you guys realize I average over 100 S4GRU emails, PM's and text messages a day??? And I still work a full time job as a bureaucrat. If I don't respond in a couple of days, send it again. I seriously am the busiest person I know. Robert via Samsung Galaxy S-III 32GB using Forum Runner
  2. Jungle Fever Robert via Samsung Galaxy S-III 32GB using Forum Runner
  3. The Sprint site, network.sprint.com, only tracks maintenance upgrades being performed by their Network Management firm. That work is not associated with Network Vision and LTE deployment. S4GRU.com is the only site to date that tracks Network Vision/LTE deployment on a site by site basis. In our Sponsors section we have maps that show all the sites in the country that will receive NV/LTE, as well as maps that show all the sites that have been completed to date. For more information about how to become a sponsor, you can read this thread: http://s4gru.com/ind...come-a-sponsor/ Robert
  4. There is some microwave included in the Chicago market deployment. It is not 100% ethernet. Robert
  5. Enter ##DEBUG# in your telephone dialer. Select 1x Engineering. Look to see what Channel and Band Class. If it says Band Class 10, Channel 476, then your 1x is connected to a 800MHz carrier. Robert
  6. Areas of West of Springfield, like in the Pittsfield area, are some of the last areas in the Boston market schedule to get Network Vision/LTE upgrades. However, some of the Springfield area sites have already been completed. But likely will not be live until closer to market launch. Robert
  7. Out of curiosity...are you connected to a 800MHz carrier when this happens? Robert
  8. There hasn't been much progress? Are you sure? Note that our weekly updates show sites that Sprint has accepted as complete from Network Vision OEM's. There are still hundreds of workers working on sites and things are still progressing. Chicago is flying compared to other markets. They are closing in on 50% of sites converted. Way more than any other. Robert
  9. It's likely due to Network Maintenance by Ericsson. Not likely because of Network Vision. Although NV subcontractors are scheduled to start mobilizing soon. But we won't see any results from their work for a few more months still. Robert
  10. I don't know if I would characterize any market as "so far" behind schedule. In most instances, the issue is a site-by-site issue. Site backhaul deployment is not going as fast as originally scheduled. Backhaul is not something Sprint can do anything about. They are not installing it themselves. They are at the mercy of ILEC's, cable companies and other backhaul vendors to get the work installed ahead of the site work. However, in your market, Chicago, Sprint is still on schedule per the latest update. Robert
  11. There are 10-20 sites completed in Atlanta every week. This is nothing to sneeze at. We are getting reports every day of more and more coverage. Even though additional LTE coverage may not have affected you personally in the six weeks since launch, thousands and thousands of more customers are covered every week. I added my estimated completion rate based on the current production rate for informational purposes. There is no indication that Sprint plans to maintain the current production rate. There has always been a plan that production was slated to increase in July. It's not like the production increase did not happened because of Sprint. It's not like they are sitting back in Kansas trying to find ways to slow down Network Vision production. It likely is because of things outside their control, like backhaul deployment. If you don't like living in an early Network Vision/LTE deployment market seeing active deployment progress every week, then you have other wireless carrier options. The rest of us that have no hope for our market to begin even in the next 12 months want to take you out behind the virtual woodshed for your repeated whiny posts throughout S4GRU. Robert
  12. It means if they continue to complete sites in the same rate that they have the past 30 days, then it would take until August 2013 to complete the entire market to 100%. I don't believe they will continue at this rate. They were scheduled to pick up the pace back in July. So the pace will probably pick up soon. Then you can watch that date get earlier and earlier. Robert
  13. Yeah. I decided to make a "Original Scheduled Completion" date and a "Current Production Rate Completion" date because of how things have progressed (or lacked to progress). Robert
  14. I live next to a Sprint site, and there are no locators on there identifying Sprint. In my observations, only about half of Sprint sites have any type of identification placards. And in some former affiliate markets, there aren't any at all. Robert
  15. The tower you were connected to is definitely in the Baltimore market. The server listed has nothing to do with Sprint, it's the SpeedTest.net server you were connected to. The SpeedTest app selected a server called "Washington DC BETA". It has nothing to do with Sprint LTE. I can even see it and select it for speed tests here in New Mexico for my work ISP, my Sprint phone on 3G, or on Verizon LTE. See pic below:
  16. More than 50% of Sprint sites are co-located with another carrier. Nothing unusual about that. Robert
  17. I checked all the Sprint site databases I have access to, and that site appears in all of them. Including the Sprint Network Vision schedules. Which show this site as past due. Robert
  18. Glance does not tell which rung on a tower and who it belongs to. I can tell by looking, that the top rung does not contain Sprint panels. What would be the legacy panels are too long for PCS. To me it looks like AT&T 850 and the new one (the larger one) is an AT&T LTE panel. There is no Network Vision work under way in Columbus. I have access to the design schedules. They are just now completing design. It is impossible to install panels prior to having the RF design complete. Cleveland is the only market in Ohio where design has been complete for a few months. But even after design is complete, they still have to proceed with planning, material ordering, permitting, scheduling and eventually mobilization. Even in the best case scenario, I don't see Columbus starting before the end of the year. Robert
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