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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. Thanks for this. I also went and looked at their WCS spectrum holdings. Looks like the most they own is 15MHz, and in some places they own 5MHz. So, on the 15MHz, they can only deploy one 10x10 carrier. On the 5MHz, the most they can deploy is a 3MHz carrier. And based on the comments from AT&T in their article, it doesn't sound like they are going nationwide with Band 30. Most likely, it will just be to keep up speed and capacity in places where performance starts to suffer. WCS/Band 30 will not take AT&T to VZW and Tmo's 20MHz super e-penis status. And it won't even help it against Sprint's 20MHz TDD carriers. Especially when they start CA on them. Robert
  2. It would likely be worse. They need a stronger signal, especially LTE, to be useful and deliver potent speeds. Robert
  3. They always could have deployed WCDMA or LTE on their existing sites outside the city limits. A block is not a play for their EDGE and GPRS customers, so don't kid yourself. It is an urban play. That's all he has talked about since the announcement. A block LTE outside the city is not even a rumor that Tmo entertains. It is just the mere hope of the 75% of Tmo customers who live or drive through EDGE/GPRS coverage more than once per year. Robert
  4. I appreciate the formatting. Much easier to understand and follow. Thanks for that. I think when you go two years out, I see it differently than you project. Sprint will have wall to wall Band 41 coverage within the Top 100 markets, including adding new density. Remember, they committed to converting all NV sites and Clearwire sites in the markets (which would likely make the densest network in America), PLUS adding more macro sites to fill in coverage. Son is wanting a seamless Band 41 experience for customers. Inside and outside. That is what they are promising in the Top 100 in 2 years. VZW will likely be 100% done with their AWS overlay. Which in some places will be another 10MHz carrier, a 15MHz carrier or a 20MHz carrier, depending on spectrum holdings. I think the 20MHz markets will be nice and free flowing. However, they may start to run into some more capacity issues in some of the smaller AWS carrier markets. I think VZW will do a good job managing their network, but it will not be all roses everywhere. Remember data usage is still growing, the smartphone adoption rate is still growing and there are still 3G only customers that will be jumping into LTE. I still feel VZW has a good plan, though. And Sprint will be competitive all things considered. Tmo, will be in a much less position than VZW. They will have a mix of 10, 15 and 20MHz carriers around the country in just urban areas. They may have some capacity problems in places with smaller carriers, but they should be fine. Tmo's achilles heel is coverage. If they can maintain capex funding levels. As for 700MHz, they currently can only deploy in about a half dozen LTE markets starting in about 12 months. They say they have licked Channel 51 interference, but why is it a secret? Until they can prove it, we aren't buying it. And if they can, that just adds another dozen places. Tmo cannot make a 700MHz move on the Top 100 markets, not even all the Top 25. This is a boutique solution for Tmo unless they score a lot more spectrum. And they will be deploying a small 5MHz carrier in 700 like Sprint. And to think no one called Legere on that after his Sprint 5MHz joke. AT&T is dubious in two years. They can maintain their current network capacity, but I don't see them making a play for big speed 20MHz style deployments. I don't see the spectrum that would allow them to do that. And AT&T has very diversified holdings...one band here, two band there, sometimes three or four in some areas. It's a very hodgepodge mess. AT&T is still in the market to finish buying out more WCS spectrum. We aren't even sure if AT&T Band 30 will be in deployment in 2 years. They always speak as if it is far off. I've not seen any evidence so far that AT&T will begin Band 30 deployment or issuing Band 30 devices in the next 24 months. At best, it will just start being a factor in 2 years. Also, each band of WCS is 5MHz. If you owned all of Band 30, you may be able to squeeze out a 15MHz carrier. But I think there are some interference issues on one side. So it may make it only possible to deploy Band 30 at a maximum 10MHz channel. Still, at best, Band 30 is equal to Sprint's plans. Adding Band 26 or Band 41 is nowhere near as intensive or as long as the initial Network Vision. It will be more like Tmo's LTE overlay. Except it will take longer than Tmo's since Sprint is taking these bands nationwide, and not cherry picking for a better marketing tagline. I also disagree with you that Network Vision 1.0 will be three years in come Mid 2014. The FIT's didn't even start until November 2011. Phase 1 deployment began in February 2012. It will just be two years next month. Damned impressive. Don't tell me that they started planning in Summer 2011. That doesn't matter. How long did Tmo, VZW, AT&T plan their deployments? It doesn't matter. No one counts that against them. They count from when they started working on sites until it was finished. You need to do the same with Sprint. Sprint originally planned to have Network Vision to be 3-4 years. They dialed it back to 24 months in order to get out as fast as possible. That's not panned out. But it now appears Network Vision 1.0 will be complete with all the hardware around 30 months. God only knows when the last site will get backhaul. But to be fair, there are tons of VZW, Tmo and AT&T sites that don't have their backhaul yet. But since none of us can track them on a site by site basis, we believe them when they say their market is complete. I think it would turn the world on its head if they could see maps of what has not been done on the other 3 carriers. I just don't see it the way you do, it appears. Robert
  5. You don't have to hear it. You can go to Tmo where they say F-you and it's never coming beyond the city limits. And then people thank them for being told to F-off and give them money just for the sake of the cult of personality. You will have 137Mbps on the Tmo network. He said so. The pied piper is calling you. You should go to him. Really. Don't hesitate. Don't load another page. Run to the Tmo store right now with cash in your fist! Robert Reminds me of Tmo.
  6. This is definitely what they were doing. However, I feel they are getting the attention and attracting much more than urban customers. And these customers are going to have a rude wake up call. It may take a few months or quarters for them to churn. Speaking of churn. T-Mobile gave up their churn protection. Contracts. These new customers will remember that AT&T was good for them in the city and the country. And since these new customers will not be on a contract, it will be very easy for them to walk. AT&T is going to make it very easy for them to come back, probably offering to pay off their subsidy. AT&T may have been looking forward to this fight for a long time. This could backfire in a very large way. We already know Sprint customers that have come back because of Tmo coverage problems. And they aren't even coming back to a network with coverage like AT&T. Former AT&T customers are likely to be even less tolerant of network problems. Robert
  7. Then, why doesn't everyone do this? The big guys could put their competitors out of business in no time. Including T-Mobile. The reason why is because their shareholders will not allow it. They give away their money to do it. With most other customers, It wouldn't be long until their shareholders would be screaming. They would only see the pennies tripped over, not the new ones lining their pocket. Leaving money on the table. However, Tmo has a unique ownership structure with DT owning so much. It's not a company made up of a whole bunch of shareholders in the most conventional sense. So they may be able to pull it off for a much longer period of time. But if they end up churning a lot of these customers over coverage problems, it could really backfire. Time will tell. The AT&T astroturfers are already gearing up to go after Tmo big time. The BGR article is no surprise to me. They will be hounding coverage, coverage, coverage. It will soon be the new mantra of the AT&T hit squad. Since I battle those clowns all the time (and more than any other), I almost feel bad for them. I have to take a shower every time I deal with an AT&T astroturfer. And as you have referenced in another post, for Tmo, coverage is the achilles heel of their network. Patchy indoor coverage in urban areas and no coverage outside the city. And they have no answer to that. If they're honest, all they can say is, "Well, we are faster in the places we do have coverage. And at least we are cheaper in the places we don't." Legere always changes the subject when it comes up. Robert
  8. You make some great points. However, I was just responding to your previous point that the build out of Band 41 is depressingly slow and that Sprint will not be in a position to compete on a network level for 2 more years. I feel I addressed that point thoroughly, and you did not respond to those points. I also agree with you that it is actually AT&T in the worst shape in the mid and long term. AT&T has lots of options to deploy more 5MHz carriers to keep up capacity. But AT&T is not in much of a position to shore up its one 10MHz carrier (in the places it could deploy it), or even step out further with anything approaching 15 or 20MHz (like Sprint, Tmo and VZW are doing). And as you rightly point out in another post, AT&T is still years away from WCS deployment. Sprint is sitting in a much better position than AT&T. Also, most of Tmo's aggression is directed at AT&T. AT&T stands to lose the most here in the next battle that is unfolding. And Stephenson should be flogged publicly, because it is his company's money and spectrum that was the catalyst for Tmo to start moving this direction. I still don't understand why he hasn't been fired. As far as marketing goes, you're right. Sprint sucks at marketing. And they need to do some major overhauls. However, referencing Sprint's marketing failures as a response to my point about Band 41 deployment not being slow is kind of silly. Yes, VZW will be done with their AWS overlay first. That's great. Someone has to be first. Sprint will not be able to get there before VZW. Sprint will likely finish about the time Tmo finishes getting 50+Mbps to every one of their Top 100 market sites (if they ever do). It's easy to pick on Sprint now. With a legacy network still functioning (or not functioning) in too many places. One 5MHz LTE channel that is filling up, especially in places that have too many users on too few live LTE sites. But it will not be long, probably this summer, when Sprint passes the POP number of Tmo. Because Sprint is taking LTE over its whole network. And we know they are working outside of the city limits. That's where they started to the chagrin of many of their customers. We are not far off from saying the Sprint network is good and getting better, everywhere. The only legitimate pot shots that people will be able to make of Sprint then will be, "well, they used to suck." Another thing, I have a hard time reading your long posts. You desperately need paragraphs. Robert
  9. This is a true statement. However, once Sprint is done building out, there will be a lot more Tmo customers saying they don't have LTE service than Sprint customers. Or customers of any carrier for that matter. Robert
  10. It's just NE of the corner of Liberty Blvd. and Ellsworth Road in Box Elder near the Ellsworth Main Gate. Right behind the new Dairy Queen. You looking to relocate up here to the Black Hills? Robert EDIT: I noticed today that no Band 4 LTE is coming up on my Nexus 5. And my hotspot speeds are in the toilet. I hope they turn it back on soon!
  11. Has anyone noticed it's the same folks who just 6 months ago who said, "I would just be happy if I had 3Mbps everywhere I went," now all of a sudden think they need to have 100Mbps? These people are not going to be happy no matter what Sprint does. I think they should go to T-Mobile. Au revoir! But you will only get 50Mbps+ on Tmo on about every 10th LTE site. And you will only get it in your car facing the panels. You aren't going to get it in your cubicle in the middle of the office building, or in the movie theater or in your basement. And you certainly aren't going to get it outside the city limits. AWS performs the same as PCS. It is good as a capacity overlay for LTE. It's magnificent for that. Unless Tmo densifies their AWS/PCS network, the patchy LTE coverage is not going anywhere. At least Sprint has a plan and it's being executed. Tmo is just about at the end of the road on their upgrade. Time to put up or shut up! And based on Legere's 137Mbps comments, I would be disappointed if I just hit 50Mbps on his network. Not even half the size of his e-penis he's flaunting! People say Sprint should under promise and over deliver. What about this clown? And I bet people and the media will not even hold him accountable for his over promise and under deliver because he says pithy comments about wireless corporations that everyone already despise. Robert
  12. We should start a Tmo spoof like Dr. Who and the Weeping Angels. Instead of, "Don't blink!" It can be, "Don't move!" Tmo customers! If you find Legere's mythical 147Mbps LTE speeds out in the real world, DON'T MOVE. Not for a second! Do not even move! Move one inch and your speed test is dead! Don't turn your back from your smartphone. Don't even think about it! Don't move away! And don't MOVE! Good luck. Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro FOR DOCTOR WHO REFERENCE:
  13. They do in some places. 5x5 is limited to 37Mbps. It's not as if it is limited to 3Mbps as Legere would suggest. Also, Tmo cannot deploy 10x10 everywhere either. He only discusses the best his network can do hypothetically. If you need more than a 5MHz carrier and not in a Band 41 area, please go to Tmo. I hear he is offering to pay the lube for all his new e-penis recruits. But if you get a fast 70Mbps speed on Tmo, don't move. In fact, move right into the nearest home and never go anywhere. You'll be happy the rest of your life. And pray to God no one else moves in your area either. In fact, I hope as many people as possible go to Tmo, from all the carriers. Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro
  14. Band 41 is a TDD band. Therefore the carrier width is expressed as 20MHz only. 20x20 would be a FDD expression, as it has a separate up and down links. Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro
  15. Even their indoor coverage in urban areas is poorer than Sprint in every place I've been except Denver. In my office in Albuquerque, the Tmo customers had to go to the window just to get an EDGE signal! They had to go outside to WCDMA and had to go a 1/4 mile to get LTE. Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro
  16. If you are measuring in Keggers, than yea, you're probably right. Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro
  17. I know for certain that it is Ericsson techs doing integrations in the ABQ market. I've ran into them before in Santa Fe, Española and Los Alamos before. They wore Ericsson polo shirts, but never drove Ericsson trucks. Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro
  18. Definitely plausible if the site is up on the hilltops near Altamont Pass. Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro
  19. We have seen no confirmation of Band 26 LTE for the Cleveland market yet. Also, we have not confirmed more than CDMA 800 exists in the Cleveland market. It may be only a temporary thing agreed to with a Canadian license holder to help ease the problems with handoffs during deployment. We never have been able to confirm even the CDMA 800 in Cleveland is there to stay. Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro
  20. They are betting the farm. Anyone can get subscribers at any cost. This might be too expensive in the long run. I believe he thinks he can either sell the company with his stunts, or if that doesn't pan out, keep ahead of the shell game by having the growth of revenues be enough to pay for the network capex this new behemoth will require. They have enough spectrum to serve double the customers. But it takes a lot of money to keep that network top notch. Also, I don't think double the customers will be happy with Tmo's islands of LTE. They are going to have to be more mainstream to get and keep customers. There are only so many Urban customers who never travel anywhere. Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro
  21. Dropped calls sooner than LTE. The 3G portion of Netwotk Vision is in full bore and should be done in 2-3 months in most places. This part was accelerated because of CSFB. As for LTE, it comes down to where you live, where you go and what device you use. Some places are good now. Some places will be good soon. Some places will be good now or soon if you have a Triband device. Some places will not be better until later this year. And then there is even a few places (like Baton Rouge) that will not be good until 800MHz LTE is rolled out. It's all about geography. But this is true of Tmo and ATT too. LTE is only good/available depending on where you are. Only VZW has good and available LTE over all their network. EDIT: As far as complaints, there will always be complaints. There are lots of Tmo complaints, AT&T complaints and VZW complaints out here. I read them everyday. Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro
  22. You need to put this into perspective. It wouldn't be slow. Sprint will have Band 25/26 LTE over its entire network this year, and Band 41 complete over the Clearwire network in the Top 25 markets and Band 41 underway with weekly acceptances on NV sites in the Top 100. So this year, Sprint will surpass Tmo on POPs covered. Soon Sprint will be able to claim more POPs and way, way more square mileage of LTE. Tmo is getting near the end of their LTE deployment plan. It stops at just what it has covered with WCDMA. So not only will Sprint have LTE on its whole network, where Tmo doesn't (and ATT too), but it will also have LTE on low frequency spectrum. And even though Band 41 speeds will not be consistent across any market this year, Tmo LTE speeds are not consistent throughout any of their markets either. Legere quotes top theoretical speeds, and the tech media gives him a pass as if network will perform that way in real world conditions. Sprint will be competitive this year, even if it takes two years for a 100% build out of Band 41 in the Top 100 markets. Don't forget, Sprint has committed to adding Band 41 sites to make a denser network. This is the biggest factor in the completion date being two years out. Not the speed of conversion. Band 41 conversion of Clearwire sites and Band 41 being added to NV sites is going to be relatively quick. And Sprint is prioritizing the order for Band 41 conversions to the busiest sites first and working its way down. Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro
  23. Am I the only one who gets a less and less positive image of Tmo every time they stick Legere out there? Their changes are what is positive. Their message deliverer is a troll. Literally and figuratively. I don't follow swarthy unprofessional asshats along the road of life. I laugh and go my own way. The real winners here with Legere's antics are not the people who jump to Tmo, but for the people who stay with AT&T and possibly Verizon and get to enjoy the changes that were made caused by Legere's antics. They get the benefits, the coverage, and even a slightly less swarthy CEO. Who knew that Stephenson would look less trollish than any other Wireless CEO? Legere's antics help other consumers more than his own. Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro
  24. You're not screwed. You will get the update like everyone else...from Google. There are no Sprint apps on the Nexus 5, whether you buy it from Sprint or Google. The Google and Sprint models are exactly the same. I know this will blow your mind, but when Google rolls out the Spark update for Sprint customers, it is going to go to every American Nexus 5. Even the ones on Tmo, AT&T and other carriers. POW! Robert
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