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New 50 Member Chat Limit!


Due to popular demand, we have increased our Chat Limit to 250 licenses. We have upped our chat, so up yours! j/k


Our 20 chat licenses were no longer cutting it. Demand was so high for our chats, that I had to stop announcing them on social media. And we still had people who couldn't get in. I never expected the chats to be so popular. They have exceeded my wildest expectations.


Unfortunately, we could only go from 20 to 250. It was a significant expense, but I thank you all you members who stepped up with the financial contributions. This will pay for the extra chat licenses for approx. 4 months. We can then evaluate if we want to keep them after that.


Since having 250 people in chat all it once would lead to chaos, I have put an artificial restriction of 50 members. If the number ends up being too chaotic, we can decrease that number in the future.


Now at the next chat on Tuesday evening, you are all virtually guaranteed a spot at the table. And thanks again for your unwavering support of S4GRU!



S4GRU.com Ringmaster!

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Samuel - Welcome to S4GRU. Thanks for accepting my invitation to come over from Facebook. As for making money, ehhh...


Right now, S4GRU.com is like the PBS of the internet...viewer supported. Thanks for joining!



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PBS, that means that in the morning you are sponsored by Juicy Juice, lol.

As far as money goes, I understand. Trying to monetize something like this would just take the fun out. I look forward to this chat with your new improved chat limit.

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The reasoning for this may be somewhere around, but I'm just curious as to why yall don't just use an IRC chat channel on irc.freenode.net to host your chats. Its free and their is virtually no limit to the amount of people. You can also have separate channels for your premier sponsors that require a password. Just something you may want to consider.

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