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Will Sprint finally give the Evo 4G the axe this week?


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Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 25 January 2012


One of the most influential Android devices so far, and probably the most influential in Sprint's history has once again been included on the end of life (EOL) list for Sprint. This is not the first time it has made that list, but will it be the last? Will Sprint finally part ways with the world's first 4G device and remove it from their shelves after nearly 2 years?

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Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 26 January 2012


According to phandroid.com, This is at least the third time the HTC EVO 4G has appeared on the list, so who knows. Maybe they are just trying to goat people into buying more phones by thinking it is going to be taken off the shelves

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Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 26 January 2012


It was one of the better phones and one of the most popular as Sprints new flagship phone. But it and the Epic, although still good reliable devices are getting long in tooth tech wise, and with LTE coming out, Sprint would be wise to start clearing out inventory. Still out of all the WiMAX phones that Sprint has, I would still recommend the EVO, Epic and Photon to purchase for the remainder of the year. The rest of the mid-line WiMAX phones need to be heavily discounted to get them out the door.

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Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 26 January 2012


Are you recommending the original EVO and Epic or the EVO 3D and Epic Touch? The EVO was a great phone and in some senses, still is. But it is nearly 2 years old, and even though it has a huge developer following, it will surely be obsolete when quad core phones start coming out. My HTC Hero had big developer support, but it was so slow and laggy by the time I upgraded, it completely stressed me out. I couldn't even use most of the apps and games out there because of the lag. That said, I would still recommend an EVO over a midrange Wimax phone. And for someone wanting a physical keyboard the Epic, but not under any other circumstances. Maybe I am a phone snob, but that is my opinion.

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Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 26 January 2012


Just commenting that the EVO and Epic although old, are still good phones although they won't hold up too well compared to whats out now and will be this fall. I should have clarified that for the casual user, these phones will still have some life left to them. Sprint will have to move these and the EVO 3D. The Epic Touch still has legs, so I don't expect Sprint to begin discounting it until this summer.

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Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 26 January 2012


Oh, I agree with that. EVO and Epic still outperform the midlevel phones, but above them is the EVO 3D EVO Design and Photon. Then a slight step up is the Epic Touch, but everyone loves the Touch so much, that will be a hot seller until something better comes around. One might even argue that unless you really want the stock android, ICS and LTE that the Galaxy Nexus gives you, the Epic Touch is still a better phone. I had a EVO 3D and upgraded to a Epic Touch and I really didn't notice that much difference aside from the thickness, weight, camera and screen definition.

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Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 26 January 2012


I forgot the Nexus S, which almost fits in the same class as the 3D and Photon.


Side note, Amazon is already offering the Black and White Epic touch for $99. The rest of the phones mentioned above and $50 or less. Close out time...

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