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Super Bowl Commercials


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Whether you like or hate Tmo (in spite of probably having to welcome them as our new overlords before long), I have to say - the only commercials last night that were in the same league in terms of entertainment with Tmo's 'text' commercials were the Bug Light/medieval ones....and while there were a few funny ones, those are starting to get a bit stale overall.

What happened to the days when almost every commercial was actually worth next-day watercooler discussion?  I don't remember the last time I watched a Super Bowl and was really truly wow'ed by the quality (and/or laughs) of the majority of the commercials.

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Nostalgia was originally meant as a disease. Doctors in the US Civil war used the term to mean “homesickness.”

Commertials typically target the 25 to 40 year olds, not me any more. And that’s OK by me. But I did enjoy those T-Mobile chat commertials. The one where the daughter keeps texting her dad that text is not Google and then just sends the chicken  parmesan recipe made me laugh. It looked familiar.


Edited by SAWilkus
Added attachment then tried to delete copy, then corrected misspelling of “mean”. Then thought to leave the duplicate and this text as a self referential joke as another incompetent “dad.”
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Nostalgia was originally meant as a disease. Doctors in the US Civil war used the term to men “homesickness.”

Commertials typically target the 25 to 40 year olds, not me any more. And that’s OK by me. But I did enjoy those T-Mobile chat commertials. The one where the daughter keeps texting her dad that text is not Google and then just sends the chicken  parmesan recipe made me laugh. It looked familiar.


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