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ITU approves standards for LTE Advanced & WiMAX 2

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Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 23 January 2012


Now that the international Telecommunications Union has approved the standards for LTE Advanced now allows equipment makers to have the proper protocols to begin manufacturing. Soon U.S. carriers will have 'True" LTE once they initiated LTE advanced.



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Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 23 January 2012



When I think of what WiMax could have been, I get very sad. WiMax2 is ready to market now. Whereas LTE Advanced won't be ready for another 18 months. The world loves standardization, though. And we will all benefit from having one mobile broadband technology in the future. In the next 6 to 7 years, all the carriers will have an exclusive or near exclusive LTE network for voice and data. Consumers will win with that in the long run. More device choices and probably carrier choices and interoperability.


But I'm still sad for WiMax.

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