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FCC weigh's in of DISH's 4G Network


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Although interoperability won't affect Sprint in this band, The FCC ruling could open up roaming agreements for LTE. Also if the FCC decides in DISH's favor, this could be an opportunity for Hesse to get a deal similar to LS2's



" If adopted, the new rules would clear the way for Dish to launch its LTE network and enter the 4G market."



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Dont see how this helps Lightsquared at all to be honest...Dish is trying to get LTE on the 2GHz from what that reads...If thats the case then thats a HUGE difference to the Lightsquared deal where they have to move around GPS signals in their specturm since evidently GPS signals need to be on the absolute edge of the freq and at times bleed over and in those cases it causes interference with Lightsquared and messes up the GPS devices...Dish wont have that big ordeal to mess with in 2GHz area...least from what i have extremely briefly read there...

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Looks like things are going in favor for the consumer. The FCC is finally stepping in on the roaming rules for LTE and it looks favorable for DISH.



"The Federal Communications Commission voted 3-0 to ask whether rules are needed to ensure mobile devices can operate on airwaves used by the two largest carriers and other companies like Overland Park-based Sprint Nextel."


"The agency also began removing barriers to Dish Network Corp.’s proposed mobile high-speed data network, voting 3-0 to begin recasting rules that reserve the company’s recently acquired airwaves for satellite use."



Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/2012/03/21/3504687/fcc-votes-to-ease-cell-phone-roaming.html#storylink=cpy

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Doesn't look like the Roaming stuff would help Sprint or anyone else at all for the matter...except ATT


The Engadget piece was updated and states:

...As one of our tipsters has pointed out, it appears that the interoperability rules would only apply to the lower 700MHz band occupied by AT&T, not the upper band used by Verizon. Alas, that means we won't have Big Red and Ma Bell playing nice with their LTE anytime soon.


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The FCC has been busy the last couple of days.



Analysts: FCC's rulemaking favors Dish's LTE network plans



"The FCC's draft rules for the terrestrial use of Mobile Satellite Service (MSS) spectrum appear to favor Dish Network's plans to build an LTE Advanced network, according to some analysts. However, they cautioned, the rules are not final, may change before year-end and could result in Dish's spectrum allocations being altered."



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