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Would you expect there to be some minor bugs when buying a Google Nexus phone?


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Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 16 January 2012


Some owners of the Galaxy Nexus phones are reporting that they have experienced random reboots as covered by phonearena.com here Owners report that the Samsung Galaxy Nexus is plagued by random reboots Personally, I would almost assume that there would be a thing or two that pop up early in the life of the device. It is the first to run on that version of Android, and although there is an beta test, consumers are always pressuring to get the device in their hands sooner. Google has been quick to fix the problems in the past, but it can still be annoying to consumers to experience these bugs. Would you prefer to be on the cutting edge and have the possibility of some annoying bugs, or wait for a more refined software either by buying the Nexus a few months after release or buying a different phone with the most current software?

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Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 16 January 2012


I think that I would expect a few bugs. However, I would expect that they be limited to either the network that the phone is running on (signal issues) or Apps that I install (incompatibility with ICS). Although I would be forgiving early on I want anything stock to work flawlessly.

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Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 17 January 2012


I wonder if the reboot thing has something to do with apps that are incompatible with ICS... I haven't heard anything as to the cause of it. I wonder if Google even knows. The article said there are more GSM problems than CDMA...

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I would expect the Verizon GN is the test bed for wringing out all the issues. By the time it debuts on Sprint any hardware/software issues should be fixed.

I would give a pass to something specifically Sprint related. But everything else should be hammered out by then.
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