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Shentel Q3 2013


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Earle MacKenzie - EVP & COO

Our primary emphasis has shifted to optimizing the network. Over 40% of all of our data traffic is LTE and we are approaching 15% of our voice traffic on 800 megahertz. 




Earle MacKenzie - EVP & COO

David, this is Earle. Yes, we have been certainly watching that closely and continuing to have ongoing conversations with Sprint about the use of the 2.5 spectrum. As Sprint has said, they are going to start in their largest metropolitan areas for two reasons. Number one obviously this could be a great differentiator, but they also need the additional spectrum in those markets. We don't have that spectrum constraint in the next couple of years as we project out the data usage on our customers.


But we’ll not be probably on the same timeline as Sprint. We see ourselves probably lagging Sprint a little bit on the build out of the Spark 2.5. So as we're kind of looking at our next couple of years, we see that at the earliest being a 2015 event. And then we would start, obviously on a much different scale, we would start in our most populated areas and start building out the core of that with the 2.5 and then moving out as we saw it was prudent based on the cost and the usage.



Some more interesting information at the link.

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