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iOS 7 beta 4!


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Beta 4 is great! So stable. How do you guys like it?

I like the updates to the phone/calling interface.  My first i5 died on beta 2 and i was skeptical to put beta 4 on it. So far it has been smooth sailing.  No issues or bugs.  All of my apps work again (including CNN).


Edit: I also like the circles when calling someone to see their pictures.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Beta 5 is out as all of you should know.  Has anyone noticed the lock screen doesn't click when you unlock it anymore?   Wonder if its a bug or if they did that on purpose.  When you lock your phone its still clicks so I wonder.  Yes beta 4 was pretty stable and I haven't had any problems with beta 5 yet :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Beta 5 is out as all of you should know.  Has anyone noticed the lock screen doesn't click when you unlock it anymore?   Wonder if its a bug or if they did that on purpose.  When you lock your phone its still clicks so I wonder.  Yes beta 4 was pretty stable and I haven't had any problems with beta 5 yet :)



 i did notice that... currently running 6 now!

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