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RIM asking for Android apps for BB Playbook OS 2.0


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Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 1 February 2012


Even though RIM has tried to slam Android every chance they can get, they have developed an app that will run Android apps on the BB Playbook. They have asked the developers of Android apps to slightly modify their apps and submit them for use for the Blackberry Playbook OS 2.0 and the upcoming Blackberry 10 devices.


They could just make it easier on themselves and make a Blackberry launcher overlay to Android 4.0


According to the Blackberry developer blog

To help with the process of submitting your application for approval and entry into BlackBerry App World, we strongly recommend the following:

  • Before submitting your Android application to BlackBerry App World, please make sure to remove all mention of the word “Android” from your application. Both in the application description and the application itself.
  • Please remove all links to Android Market from within your application.
  • When submitting your Android application to BlackBerry App World, please make sure to select a minimum BlackBerry PlayBook OS of 2.0.
  • Please make sure your application is signed. For more information on code signing, please view the code signing documentation on the BlackBerry Runtime for Android Apps webpage (linked here).

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