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Clearwire additional coverage on map..Sprint LTE?


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OK, so I'm looking at the Clearwire coverage map, and there are a bunch of cities that have coverage compared to last year. However, they show up as completely "light green" on the map. For example, go to http://www.clear.com/coverage and tpye in 27320 for the ZIP. Zoom out, and pan north to the town of Eden and you sill see what I mean. Does this mean Clearwire home internet will be using LTE soon? (when I go to confirm coverage, it says its not accepting new customers at this time)


Sorry if this is a noob question...I'm on lightning fast cable but will be moving to a very rural area soon with no wired broadband :)

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These are WiMax Protection Sites. They have been around since 2011. They will not be getting LTE any time soon. You can read about Protection Sites here for more info: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/6-what-are-protection-sites/


Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD

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