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Who or what is this unknown tower?


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So I'm trying to figure out who or what is using a cell tower that only has a single set of panels and very little other Information I've been able to find.



  • Ownership Info Owner Company: UNISITE Contact: Not Recorded Phone: Not Recorded Email: Not Recorded Address: Not Recorded
  • Structure Characteristics Filing #: 98-AGL-3651-OE Latitude: 42.858 Longitude: -84.872 Structure Type: Tall Structure Status: Unknown Date Filed: 08/10/1998 Ground Elev: 764.1 feet Height Of Structure: 199.2 feet Overall Height: 963.0 feet Structure Address: Not Recorded

Google has failed me beyond the info at Antenna Search

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  • 3 weeks later...

Is there any signage on the fence around the property that indicates who to call in case of problems? Do a reverse lookup on the phone number and try to find out. The odd thing about that is that it claims the owner is UNISITE but UNISITE was supposedly acquired by American Tower back in 1999.


You might also look at lots and land listings in that area to determine ownership and tax records - realtors have access to this kind of information so you might ask a realtor you know to help you with that.


Could it be a government tower? Awfully nondescript if you ask me!

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