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LTE Devices Pushed Back


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Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 6 December 2011


According to a

CNET Article Sprint's LTE devices won't be released until late 2012 (3rd and 4th Quarter). It also stated that "(Sprint CFO) Euteneuer, speaking at a UBS investor conference that was Webcast, announced that the company put into operation its first multi-mode radio, which is able to run 4G LTE and 3G CDMA, signaling progress in its network upgrade."

Sprint is putting themselves in a precarious situation with customers watching LTE networks lit up in their cities with other carriers and carriers selling devices that are as "future ready" as you can get right now. It's a little far off to start hyping anything but I would have to think they would start thinking about hyping the EVO's successor, LTE features or something cutting edge or high end customers might start jumping ship. It would be funny to see Sprint left with a bunch of iPhone users and SERO plans... I'm sure they have something up their sleeve.

Anyone have any inclination why the device launch was pushed back? VoLTE? Sprint wanting the HTC LTEvo to be first to launch? LTE network delays and Sprint wanting the network to be active before launching phones to use it? Combination of all of them?

Maybe just Hesse writing checks his behind can't cash again...

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Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 6 December 2011



I wouldn't get too worked up on the dates. Third quarter starts on July 1st. There isn't much difference between Mid 2012 and 3rd Quarter 2012. Sprint does have to be worrying about all the Evo device holders that start coming off contract on June 4th and Epic owners shortly after. They do need to scramble. But if delaying another 30 to 60 days means they can include 800-LTE chips in the devices, it's probably a good move. It would be disastrous if Sprint rushed out 1900-LTE only devices if dual band devices could be put it only a little bit longer.


But I know Sprint is carefully watching the contract ending dates very carefully and losing sleep. The clock is ticking.

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Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 6 December 2011


If Sprint is smart they will have all the frequency's it plans to use put on one chip since it plans on rolling out the frequency capabilities in incremental stages. That's just my gut feeling on what the delay may be, making sure of chip sets and hand off issues b/twn CDMA & LTE, FDD &TDD.

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Guest Jail-RN

Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 7 January 2012


So what is going to happen to those of us that just bought a new phone and have no WiMax service? Are they going to keep charging us for the upgraded service $10 per phone per month that we cannot use?

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Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 7 January 2012



So what is going to happen to those of us that just bought a new phone and have no WiMax service? Are they going to keep charging us for the upgraded service $10 per phone per month that we cannot use?


Please do not bomb our forum with the same question in multiple threads. We are not an official Sprint page. Please take your protests to the official sprint forum at community.sprint.com. Thanks.

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Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 7 January 2012


With the accidental release of the Galaxy Nexus advertisement. I wonder if Sprint would let a few LTE phones leak out. I don't think we would see the GN or any others in the first quarter, but it would make a splash if one or two were released during CTIA, which would be right before Sprint is suppose to turn on the LTE network. This would also solve the problem of all the EVO/Epic owners who are coming off contract.

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Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 7 January 2012

My head is spinning with all the Sprint LTE stuff leaking out. Sprint has been very good at playing cards close to their chest. Was the Galaxy Nexus ad leak on purpose? I think it is, but it is plausible to be an error.

I still think that Sprint will not release any LTE devices until after Memorial Day. I hope we know a little more next week. I think Sprint leaked that Galaxy Nexus on purpose to keep people from jumping ship to Verizon for the Galaxy Nexus. If they think it's coming to Sprint and the date is not disclosed, it could keep hundreds of thousands of people from leaving. It's rather genius, actually.


However, I bet Verizon is majorly miffed at that leaked ad. And they are probably complaining to Samsung.

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Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 10 January 2012


With the Galaxy Nexus and LG Viper officially announced, it's just a matter of when they will be released. I'll be conservative and say we will have to wait until the 2nd quarter more so in the April timeframe, but no later than CTIA in May.

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Guest thermophile

Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 14 January 2012



So what is going to happen to those of us that just bought a new phone and have no WiMax service? Are they going to keep charging us for the upgraded service $10 per phone per month that we cannot use?


that 10$/ a month has NOTHING TO DO WITH 4G...

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