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Great to be here!


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Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 8 January 2012


Hey everyone,


I'm Stephen from St. Louis. I have been around the site for a while now but decided to join and start sharing my input. I am a software developer and kernel modder. I own a business designing and implementing websites and web applications called Streamline Logix. And I am an avid Sprint fan. I have been with Sprint for a number of years now have been developing and working with Android devices for coming on 3 years now. I think the Admin here is doing a great job. The articles and responses are always technologically knowledgeable and show some real enthusiasm for what is happening in Sprint.


I am currently running the Samsung Epic 4G Touch with a custom kernel of my own creation (very stock with CWM, CPU frequency scaling, and SU).


Can't wait to see network vision in full force!

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Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 9 January 2012



Thanks Stephen. I'm already enjoying your posts and interactions on the site. I like to be able to openly discuss things related to Sprint and the Now Network. I appreciate the level of interest and knowledge you bring to the discussions. Welcome and glad to see you join our growing group.


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