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Everything posted by IsaiahL

  1. It's cause Apple optimizes their software to run on their specific phones regardless of specs .
  2. OMG. I was dealing with this last night. I go on Tech websites very frequently and I'll scroll through and open the pages I wanna read in different tabs. They'll load up then when I go to read them refresh. I don't understand the whole 1GB of RAM thing.
  3. I completely agree, I was talking to a friend about this. iPhones are literally some of the best devices out there. It's the lack of customization on the OS that makes it a problem. I kinda wish someone would invent a way to dual boot Apple's phones for it run iOS and Android lol.
  4. Yeah I know this discussion gets people heated but I'm hoping people will keep their cool.. I completely understand your point of view. The most recent update with iOS has been very very buggy and I think that happened because, this is the first time Apple has ever opened up their software to anyone in such a big way (may not be a way to all but for them it's huge) bugs are bound to be found. I'm pretty sure iOS 8 is going to be updated at least a couple thousand times before they get all the kinks corrected. I'm currently using an iPhone 5 and I'm getting 6 and I can understand what you mean when you say closedness. That's one reason I actually like Android L and if I wasn't so deep into Apple's OS I'd probably get a Nexus 6. In a way Android L reminds me of iOS 8 trying to be simplistic and the bright colors. I like lol.
  5. Lol nope we have field check is basically the same thing last time I checked lol.
  6. I'm not sure if one of these already exist I did search for one to no avail so. Here it is the Apple v. Android debate where we can discuss our preferences of OS's and which one we feel is better. Me personally I feel that both are in their own way good. They're equal in certain ways and but at the same time better than each other in others. Discuss away! Lol
  7. I still have my 5. I love this phone and it's definitely been a fun two years having it. Apple's phones are definitely built to last. My phone runs through iOS 8 smoothly and I rarely lag. The main reason I'm upgrading to the 6 is for spark capability and for that 4.7' display. Lol it definitely caught my eye as soon as I saw it [emoji7].
  8. Question, when did Sprint say they were going to be done rolling out LTE or even fully upgraded 3G. Legacy 3G just sucks butt Tbh
  9. Not bad. I believe apple is doing a big restock of iPhone's around the end of this month beginning of next month so I'm gonna be on the lookout [emoji102][emoji102][emoji102]
  10. Yeah they sure do. The 5s is worth like 320$ at the Sprint store. Apple buyback is different, they only give 180 for a 5 and I don't know how much for a 5s.
  11. I don't have $450 and some change I have 350$ and some change lol. The 128 is for power users any how I just don't need that much space.
  12. *Off Topic* Do any of you guys know when Apple will do a full restock in sprint Stores meaning iPhone 6's 16,64,128 or do you guys know of any Sprint Stores that have the iPhone 6 64 in Stock?
  13. Birthday in 6 days might be getting the 6 lol can't wait [emoji24][emoji24]
  14. [emoji46][emoji47][emoji43][emoji43][emoji43] That's amazing. It probably was able to add mapping when iOS 8 came out with that extensibility feature.
  15. Even 2-5 is enough if your just browsing the Web. I sometimes even can watch Netflix with 2-5down. Truthfully it's all about consistency of Sprint can provide at least 10mbps down and 5 up then most people shouldn't complain. I truthfully don't think we need 30 and above I feel like that's just for marketing because not one of the 4 major service providers gets over 20 at all times especially Verizon.
  16. My mom has an upgrade and my birthdays coming up, I asked her if she doesn't get her 6 by my birthday can I take her upgrade cause u have my money and im gonna trade in my 5 which is worth 233$ so hopefully I get my 6 in 2 weeks if my mom let's me. I can't wait to experience B41's sparkyness [emoji24]
  17. Has anyone with an iPhone 6 or 6 Plus touched any B41? If so how were the speeds?
  18. That use to happen to me when I first got my iPhone. I'd have B25 1-3 bars & nothing would be loading. I never understood why.
  19. I can't wait to experience B41 when I get the 6. I'm hopping I rarely see 3G on the iP6. I know the tower closest to me is B25 accepted but idk bout the other bands.
  20. Okay thanks , I'm gonna go the Sprint store and ask them how I would do it all.
  21. So if I get Easy they're gonna change my plan to the new unlimited plans? I currently have the original Everything Unlimited Data Plan. If I do easy pay they'll take the EUDP away & put my whole family on the new unlimited plans ?
  22. Lol I don't have a choice in the matter . [emoji19] .
  23. Help! Can Sprint Easy Pay be used if there is no eligible upgrade available. I wanna get the iPhone 6 on my birthday next month. But there's 2 upgrades; my mom and sister are taking them. What do I do.
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