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Posts posted by IsaiahL

  1. While the Zagg GLASS screen protectors are nice, they scratch and crack way too easily. I have replace about 4 of them on my G3 so far. It gets expensive, even at the low replacement costs to get a new one shipped. I just stopped using them after the 4th replacement cracked.


    Sent from my LG G3 using Tapatalk

    Yeah the edge of my first one cracked while it was in my jacket pocket. Idek how and I don't understand why either. I thought it was a completely free replacement I didn't think I'd be paying for shipping [emoji24].



    Sent from my shiny Space Grey iPhone 6 using Tapatalk 3.2.1

  2. My biggest gripe with Apple maps is that it's not specific. Google will say in 1 mile use your left to lanes to exit and then keep left at the fork. Apple maps will go, exit here and then maybe say keep left at the fork. She won't specify that you can't be in the 3rd lane or anything like that. Google maps is much more detailed, and that's why I use it



    Sent from my iPhone 6 using Crapatalk

    I agree with you on that one. Google maps even has the lanes at the top. Hopefully iOS 9 will add some maps features



    Sent from my shiny Space Grey iPhone 6 using Tapatalk 3.2.1

  3. The only thing that really seems to considerably drain my battery is Google Maps.


    Apples version of Maps is not terrible, but Google Maps is horrible for battery drain on my phone. I recognize the heavy GPS usage, but its amazing how phone my hot got this morning.

    Yeah Google Maps really does a number on the battery. It heats up the phone a lot too and Apple' maps isn't that bad lol I use it sometimes. Sometimes it'll be right on point with Google. It all depends



    Sent from my shiny Space Grey iPhone 6 using Tapatalk 3.2.1

  4. There are a couple of apps that I have discovered that will drain my battery. One is Kevo. It is an app that uses Bluetooth to lock and unlock my front door. I will say it does work well and beats having to unlock the door with a key in the dark. I do close the app after use.

    I wish I had one of those smart locks. When I get my own house in gonna have that and the Bluetooth lighting systems. *sigh* technology [emoji123][emoji18]



    Sent from my shiny Space Grey iPhone 6 using Tapatalk 3.2.1

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  5. If you didn't know that then you need to read up on what gets stolen the most from commercial sites.


    Raw materials like copper or scrap metal bring swiped from job sites or other commercial areas and then sold to recycling shops are a huge problem. It's typically felonies if they get caught as the $ amount exceeds several thousand dollars.

    I didn't even know that was an issue. I never thought people would steal from a cellular tower. Lol



    Sent from my shiny Space Grey iPhone 6 using Tapatalk 3.2.1

  6. Be on the lookout for these guys in Brooklyn. I don't think it's a sprint site, not sure about clear though.



    What the hell. Lmfao what exactly was the point of them stealing 40ft of Copper wire and some batteries from a cellphone tower. Then they're extremely dumb all 4 of them looked directly into the surveillance cameras [emoji24]. People are just dumb



    Sent from my shiny Space Grey iPhone 6 using Tapatalk 3.2.1

  7. I've read that constantly killing apps uses more battery because they're being cleaned out of the RAM, and reopening them takes longer/more cpu to load up. Ever since reading this, I usually keep my most used apps open instead of constantly killing them. Have I noticed a difference in battery life? Nah.



    Sent from my iPhone 6+

    Yeah it does, someone at the genius bar told me that. Ever since I got my 6 I just leave everything open. I use to have a habit of closing everything, it really just disappeared when I got my 6. I'll literally double click and realize I have almost 20 to 30 apps open (I have the 64GB iPhone 6 with about 75+ apps installed)



    Sent from my shiny Space Grey iPhone 6 using Tapatalk 3.2.1

  8. Mine too. Has been for the past week or so. Went ahead and backed up and restored and still nothing. Hoping 8.2 brings some positive changes.


    I'm on Beta 5 of 8.2 battery life has been pretty good. I notice I stay on 100 for a long time up to 30 minutes on a 100% and that's awesome to me.



    Sent from my shiny Space Grey iPhone 6 using Tapatalk 3.2.1

  9. I found some pictures of the HTC One M9 or what they think it's going to look like. It looks pretty legit and I think it's beautiful [emoji7]









    Sent from my shiny Space Grey iPhone 6 using Tapatalk 3.2.1

  10. At&t is great but the data caps can certainly be frustrating and with Sprint providing unlimited data, I won't have to watch my usage.


    At&t is now offering rollover data and maybe that will help me a lot but I still want unlimited.


    A friend of mine averages 9-10gb of data a month and never has to worry about caps or overage fees. Awesome feeling.. Makes me jealous all the time.


    I'm very impressed at how much Sprint has improved. They have come a long way from 2011-2012 when I had them.

    I don't think I would ever switch to another carrier tbh. Even when I get my own like phone line it's gonna be on Sprint. Sprint holds it down and they're more understanding in terms of if you can pay you're bill at a certain time they'll letchu keep your phone on until you can come up with the money.


    And then on the service side; I've seen major improvements from them since they started this whole network revision. Sprint is awesome and they can only get better in the coming years.





    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  11. Lollipop and it's myriad of issues on the Nexus 5 has me seriously considering an iPhone in the future. I commute to and from work, which totals 3+ hours depending on weather and constant app closures due to memory leaks are just infuriating. Last thing I want to do is reopen Spotify every 30 mins or reopen Maps while using the navigation feature to auto find faster routes. Google seriously has dropped the ball on fixing the memory leaks even after two more releases to Lollipop, lets hope 5.1 addresses these things.


    That and the absolute shit SoT time is just frustrating. 2.5 SoT is just unacceptable.

    I suggest you get the 6s if you do decide to switch. The 6 is a great phone but the 1gb of ram is limiting.

    Besides that everything's perfect on the iOS side of things. Never will I ever switch.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  12. I was considering updating. Thanks for making me realize how much of a mistake that would be



    Sent from my iPhone 6 using Crapatalk

    Upgraded for a couple days and ended up downgrading a couple days later. The update is horrible and I will never accept the new layout



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  13. Just noticed my front camera shifting. Only slightly but it still is. If it moves more then I'll go get it fixed. I don't understand why this defect is still prevalent in a device that chose 700+ dollars. Apple needs to tighten up on its suppliers cause this is just unacceptable.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  14. I believe that a good 60-70% of people don't know or care about that feature. My coworker had AT&T for years, and switched to Sprint a year ago. Hasn't mentioned that once.

    Yeah, most people don't even know they can talk and surf that's why. The only reason I knew was AT&T was using that as marketing tool to sell the iPhone back then. They had a Super Bowl commercial for it. I remember it like it was yesterday. lol



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  15. What exactly would you be expecting in terms of 3G? 3-4mbps? The average I have seen post NV has been 1-1.5mbps which is expected.


    Keep in mind that they are sharing the same backhaul (data pipe) so more LTE data means less 3G data available.

    3-4mbps lol we can only dream for 3G speeds like that. No I'm expecting the average. Everything shares the same backhaul? That seems like it would make for a cluttered experience, 3G & each band of LTE on the same backhaul? That probably would explain why things have been sluggish.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  16. I still do not get the fascination over VoLTE / talking and surfing simultaneously. Maybe because I don't recall every having it or using it (on other carriers), but especially because I have yet to get a good example/reason of why it would be necessary. But that's for another thread.




    I had AT&T when the iPhone 4 came out and the whole web surfing while being on the phone thing. It's legit and it's very useful and I think Sprint would make good use of it. If VoLTE is the only way to get that then I'm all for it.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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