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Status Updates posted by sbolen

  1. Seems to be a lot of Apple Ciders out there all of a sudden. What's happening, America? You used to be great.

  2. I like Matheny's strategy of spotting the Brewers 6 runs before rattling off 16 unanswered. He's da real MVP.

  3. Photo: Me: Jane, what is this? Jane: It’s a jellyfish wearing shoes. Pretty funny! Me: You have no idea. http://t.co/17BOgzlSQN

  4. Good thing Star Wars theme games happen at night. Those sunburns would be unforgiving. #LCDTan

  5. Is anyone surprised that you can't register http://t.co/wKqpVaKnN5? https://t.co/CnCeluCuEL (cc @markos)

  6. Oh, wait - I had an Orkut account? I vaguely remember that service from way back when... http://t.co/kfn8cEM0Uw

  7. Pretty wild cloud-to-ground lightning with constant rumbles of thunder. I love these high energy… http://t.co/9NKljexf9E

  8. I was first chair percussion in the State All-Star band, so I've got that going for me.

  9. Photoshop CC14 crashes when quitting. Adobe's workaround? Delete your presets and go back to the defaults. LOL WUT

  10. Howard can't do it all. Damn.

  11. New favorite thing: People angrily tweeting @SCOTUSblog thinking that it's the actual SCOTUS.

  12. Ann Coulter is going to explode when she hears about the cooling break.

  13. Anyone out there had any luck with the EyeFi SDHC cards? Is Wireless transfer solid? Or pokey?

  14. RT @saladinahmed: Here's a great recipe for those days when you're just too tired to vomit directly into your children's mouths. http://t.c…


  16. Ah, wait. The whiteframes aren't device-specific. Just opened 'em up in Illustrator. It's like a wireframe version of a @teehanlax iOS PSD.

  17. Dad's 70th birthday; Rebecca and I started it a little early. Nectar D'Or... Mmmmm... @ Gamlin Whiskey… http://t.co/YLb2UrN6Or

  18. Gut-wrenching. Ugh.

  19. Does anyone out there use a WiFi SD card in their camera/DSLR? I'm shopping around and could use some recommendations. Thanks!

  20. This doesn't look good. #stlwx @ Maplewood Richmond Heights High School http://t.co/UuIqspCnlQ

  21. Pretty amazing sunset tonight after the wild storms. #nofilter #stlwx http://t.co/EO31FjoVQr

  22. Haters gon' hate. @ Beautiful Nails http://t.co/CsXkxXzxag

  23. I have 3 copies of Photoshop and Illustrator on my Mac (CS6, CC, CC2014), and I'm afraid to uninstall any of them.

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