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Status Updates posted by sbolen

  1. RIP Wacha, Taveras

  2. At this point, just end it. I can't afford this pills addiction, anyway.

  3. Wacha may get to pitch after all.

  4. "The Dow is down over 300 points. Is this because of Ebola?" - the Whiz-bang anchor at @cnn

  5. RT @RobRains: No way Randy Choate should have been in that spot. None. No excuses possible. #STLCards

  6. A blue Mazda with the license plate C99MYK. Clever.

  7. Remember when Wong had to be demoted to "work on his swing?"

  8. RT @coffeeon3rd: As long as Tampa Bay doesn't bring in Hosmer at half time I think Baltimore has this

  9. What was KC's record with that 4 run lead?

  10. Yadi should send flowers to Gonzales with a card: "Cardinals are red, Dodgers are blue. We won the NLDS, I'll fucking cut you."

  11. If you want to get really bummed out, these comments will do it: http://t.co/81BioazJ7f

  12. I currently use, in one form or another: Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, Adobe Creative Cloud. I'm so damn confused now.

  13. RT @RealCarrotFacts: If you tie a string to a carrot then sit far away and say "carrot come here" then pull the carrot to you , the carrot …

  14. Where is the ShiftTrax novelty Twitter account?

  15. Ok, time to steal some fucking signs. Third turn through the lineup.

  16. Someone is smoking dat dank-ass kush at this rock concert.

  17. Gonzalez has emotions!

  18. My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Daniel Johnston (23), Perfume Genius (16) & Richard Cheese (14) http://t.co/qe8ffvLXlX

  19. "He's your prototype cleanup hitter..."Uhhh...

  20. Elephants taking baths. Adorable. @ Saint Louis Zoo http://t.co/YBeh4lEctG

  21. RT @JClarkCSN: Hilarious. Phils fans behind homeplate doing the Kimbrel http://t.co/BqPkKRxZgn

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