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Everything posted by LTEBrooklyn

  1. The same way construction is the busiest in the summer when it's warm. It's just easier to work!
  2. The warmer it gets, the more will get done faster.
  3. The next step is for sprint to release 800mhz compatible phones.
  4. I just read a article that Nextel is being shut down on June 30th.
  5. I agree it makes sense to do so at the same time, but why once a tower is complete, can't they switch both frequencies on at the same time if its complete?
  6. It's the same equip for 800? Why would they be working on 800 when. They haven't finished 1900 yet
  7. Quite the opposite. Low speeds like .5mbp and very low pings are better then 1.5 mbp and super high pings. ( at least for browsing)
  8. How will that affect the speed once the gaps are filled? I think it's the same capacity.
  9. When you lose LTE. That's when it gets really frustrating
  10. I don't even think that is what makes nv complete. Prob after nv is done, that will be the next step
  11. For some reason I just don't get that excited when I see LTE on my phone anymore because almost everywhere I go, I have it. The feeling is not there anymore, but the speed is! I guess that's what counts.
  12. Was it a big guy? You think you could've handled him? It's too bad you didn't have a extra phone on you so u could've snapped a pic of him and maybe he would've ran without the phone.
  13. What would you do if you caught up to the guy and confronted him? Would you of fought him for it or???
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