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Everything posted by larryt510

  1. Yes that tower at Katella and Tustin behind office depot has been down for the better part of 30 days now with the exception of a few temporary restorations. It's a shorted out RRU on the South facing sector which causes the entire site to shut down. I've been keeping an eye on it to see what happens. Sprint is aware of it and has attempted to fix it but so far no luck. This is one of the busiest cell sites in Orange and with it down all your phone picks up is pilot pollution from distant neighborring cell sites. I noticed the same thing when I tested in debug mode there yesterday. Also the site in Tustin At 1st St and the 55 is down indefinitely after a fire burned the building. It might not be back for months as they were unable to set up a temporary COW. That entire area betwen 1st and 17th and along Tustin Ave is hurting. Data is pretty much dead.
  2. Is it my imagination or has the LTE additions to NV cell sites become very slow? I haven't noticed any new LTE coverage in my area of Orange County in at least a couple of months. Seems like they got a bunch of LTE added in a short period of time and then nothing since.
  3. This is great news! I have been complaining about this NID boundary (NID 2 and 3 in Orange County, CA) issue for many years. It's caused an epidemic of missed incoming calls, battery life issues, pilot pollution, etc. The worst part about this particular NID boundary is that it was set up in the worst possible location. Right along a highly populated area, major freeway and also a large residential area. Now had they moved NID 2 just one more cell site to the West it would have been much better as there would have been a separation by a hill to block out the pilot pollution. But in my opinion they made a huge mistake by doing it the way they did. I talked to people in the right department at Sprint a number of times about it but was unable to convince them to make a change (which would probably require corporate approval and a lot of red tape). Nothing has changed here yet but I will keep a watch on it and hope that we get a similiar merging of NID boundaries into one larger one. That would make a lot of Sprint customers around here very happy.
  4. I will hold out until the bitter end and keep my Samsung model. If I call now they will send me a 2.5. By 8/1 hopefully the 3.0 will be out and I can get that one. I only need it for a backup when the regular tower goes down anyway.
  5. But what model or models is 1.0? The original Samsung and the second version Samsung as well? Or is the second Samsung a 1.5 model? Both of these came before the first Airvana model.
  6. That's what I heard but I can't say 100% for sure. Was hoping someone else with inside knowledge could confirm or deny.
  7. Yes and I thought the older ones had better RF signal as well.
  8. Thanks for the tip. I will hold out for the new one.
  9. I got a tip today that Sprint will no longer be supporting the original Samsung Airave 1.0 model on or around August 1st. Can anyone else confirm this? I am not sure if this also includes the Samsung second version Airave with the black antenna but it likely does. This sucks for me because I have always preferred this version out of the first three models (haven't used the 2.5). I keep it around for backup for the times when my local cell site goes down with an outage but other than that I don't need it. I guess once August comes and if they do in fact shut it down then I will have to get a 2.5 model. I'm sure they would send me one.
  10. I used three different versions at one point or another. The original samsung with the white antenna. The second version Samsung with the black antenna. Then the Airvana 2.0. Never used the 2.5. Out of the three I used I found that the Samsung second version with black antenna worked the best. I still keep it around for voice just in case the regular network goes down. There's only one cell site that covers my house and when it goes down 2-4 times per year I just flip on the Airave and it works great while I'm waiting for the tower to be restored which can take anywhere from a couple of hours to about a week.
  11. If Sprint still has control over those towers (assuming they are all still there) it should make it easy to get up some quick native coverage in Montana.
  12. Whatever happened to the Montana towers that Sprint purchased from Qwest back in 2004? The last time I checked Sprint was still the registered owner of those.
  13. Well I'm pretty sure that something changed to improve this over the past 4-5 years. Maybe an improvement with the handsets? Because it's a lot better now than it used to be and nothing else has changed with the cell sites around here that I know about.
  14. Yeah that's what I suspected but was hoping that maybe the new equipment would have software patches that addressed the missed call/NID boundary issue. You would think by now that they would have been able to come up with a fix after 15+ years.
  15. I've been wondering if the new network vision equipment will finally solve the old problem of missed incoming calls while moving between two or more cell sites that are located on different network switches (NID's). When I say a 'missed incoming call' I am referring to incoming calls that never make it to the phone and instead get dumped to voicemail. Calls that get lost in the network paging channel before the phone can see the call. This has been a problem here for as long as I can remember dating back to 1997 when I first signed up with Sprint. I spend a significant amount of my time while connected and bouncing back and forth between one cell site located on Irvine switch #1 and Irvine switch #2 here in Orange County, CA. Oddly Verizon has/had the exact same NID border location as Sprint here. No idea if that was just a coincidence or not. The issue has already improved a lot since about 2009. Instead of missing 2-3 calls per day it only seems to happen about once every other day now. Not sure if today's modern phones are better at finding incoming calls or some sort of software patch was made on the network side by the vendors that helped. Have any of the resident technology experts here heard anything about this? I know it's not a commonly known about or discussed problem but thought I would ask anyway.
  16. Looks like they are working on it. Today I noticed a data speed upgrade was just completed on it. Hopefully this is a sign that network vision equipment is coming soon.
  17. I live in an area where I only connect to one sector of one tower. So whether I'm in the house or a couple of houses down I'm always on the same sector. When I'm connected to wifi it shows an ip address. When I go back to the regular network (eHRPD) it shows the ip address as being 'disconnected'. The whole purpose of my post was to find out why this one particular cell site sector went from showing eHRPD to EvDo-rev. A yesterday and now back to eHRPD. Any thoughts?
  18. Oh nevermind I figured it out. I was connected to wifi. I disconnected from wifi and I'm back to eHRPD again.
  19. What does my IP address have to do with it and how do you know it has changed?
  20. Just noticed this change today although I haven't been checking in a while. For a long time my phone would show eHRPD for Mobile Network Type when connected to my home cell site. Now it's gone back to EvDo-rev. A on the same cell site. The cell site I'm connected to is not a NV site. Any idea what changed?
  21. It could be coming from the LTE site on the other side of the 57 in Anaheim or it could be that the site near Chapman/Glassell in Orange is now broadcasting intermittent LTE. But I have yet to see any in Orange.
  22. City of Orange where I live is also very slow. We have 16 cell sites in the city and not a single one has LTE yet. Only two out of the 16 have been NV upgraded. No signs of any construction on the other 14 either.
  23. The network.sprint.com map is supposed to show new tower locations as well as data speed/capacity and voice upgrades. But that function has apparently been broken for a while. The coverage.sprint.com maps are VERY outdated with the new tower markers. So the one you see in Miami is probably something that was put up a couple of years ago.
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