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Everything posted by bigsnake49

  1. Has anybody heard anything new about the 900 MHz SMR situation? I know there was a joint presentation effort by the EWA, UTC, API and Sprint to the FCC. Their 6 mos deadline for a proposal is coming up fast. The idea is to create a 3MHz LTE portion and an 2MHz LMR portion. I am assuming that Sprint will lease their spectrum to the alliance and also host it, charging them a fee for it. It might help pay for rural expansion. 3MHz is plenty for smart grid type applications. I would have preferred that Sprint trade their 900MHz SMR for 800MHz SMR so they can have a 10x10 800MHz allocation but that's just me !
  2. Mexico, Brazil and Argentina will be a nice prize. In Mexico, they won a 15x15 chunk of AWS that's screaming to have LTE put on it. What is NII's debt situation?
  3. Hey count your blessings ! I don't agree with people very often !
  4. Getting back to USCC, they might as well buy Cspire as well. I thought they should have bought Leap and Metro, USCC and Cspire instead of T-Mobile. Could have sold off the AWS or traded it for PCS.
  5. On the other hand, Ntelos is offering a $45/Mo, 10GB plan. Maybe Sprint can offer 5GB for $45?
  6. Sprint's project management skills definitely sucked. It's like they did not have anybody leftover since they outsourced network operations to Ericsson.
  7. OK, I am looking around and Cricket's $50/month for unlimited talk and text and 2.5GB of data sounds pretty good, given that it is on AT&T's network. Sprint need to have non-unlimited plans available for some of us that are not data hogs...So let's hear some ideas. Here is mine: $40/for unlimited talk and text and 1GB, $45/2GB, $50/4GB
  8. I know that this question has been asked before but is Sprint putting B26 on every site? if so they will have to limit the power to avoid interference between sites.
  9. Plus, isn't AWS power limited relative to PCS? In the end what matters is the power/hz or MHz if you want to be precise. Wait, you're telling me that Neal just throws stuff against the wall and see if it sticks? How disappointing?
  10. You were probably picking up signal from Dish's adjacent S-Band 2000-2020MHz bleeding over. But as far as I know that is supposed to be an uplink and not a downlink. Is Dish testing it as a downlink? They have not filed their application to turn it into a downlink yet, as far as I know.
  11. Sprint needs to use EBS for something. They are leasing it, so it's costing them money, so they might as well do something with it before the leases expire. I don't believe they will need it for mobile bandwidth and even if they did, they cannot depend on it been there after the leases expire. The best use for it is for fixed broadband and the best partner is Dish. Dish has the installer network to install the outside antennas needed for good rf. I have not checked the power budgets allowed in the EBS band but I believe them to be substantial. The synergies between the two companies are substantial. Dish needs substantial bandwidth for their VOD and OTT video as well as their fixed broadband ambitions. Sprint can use Dish's midband spectrum adjacent to PCS G and can also use their media licensing to offer video to their mobile subscribers. It's a win-win situation.
  12. Maybe so, and maybe AT&T's Edge was much better than T-Mo because they probably had more channels available to them. Maybe Apple did compress data. But I am relating you my experience with the iPhone 1 on AT&T. Nothing having to do T-Mobile Edge on 2014.
  13. First iPhone was Edge on AT&T. It was usable for email, maps and even streaming at a low rate...
  14. T-Mobile is overvalued because their stock has been inflated by speculators trying to make a buck on the chance of T-Mobile being acquired. Let the merger talk die down and we will see how far down the stock will go. If Dish is smart and they really want to merge with T-Mobile, they will wait. But I think they want to partner up with Sprint instead!
  15. Supposedly, according to macrumors.com, the i6 will be using MDM9625 and not 9635. Boo, hiss...! Does anybody know the differences between the two? I think one of the differences is that the 9625 is fabbed on the .28nm process vs the .20nm process for the 9635. http://www.macrumors.com/2014/08/19/iphone-6-qualcomm-mdm9625-lte-advanced/
  16. Time for Sprint to accelerate the arrangement with the CCA members. or start buying some. USCC and C Spire come to mind. Roll them and any other rural coverage into a subsidiary that does only rural/exurban coverage. Offer them fixed broadband as well in conjunction with Dish.
  17. We all agree, Sprint has to offer competitive plans for single line, 2, 3, 4...line plans. Let's wait and see...
  18. I personally would like for them to buy all the RRPP and CCA members but then operate them as an independent company focusing on rural areas. That rural company can get USF money, all kinds of grants from the federal government, discounts for spectrum, etc. They might even let them provide roaming services to other companies.
  19. I thought Sprint's WCS holdings were on bands A and B, the 2 5x5 paired blocks. C and D are the unpaired blocks.
  20. I hate all the spectrum squatters on EBS that basically did nothing with the EBS spectrum since the 70's and now complain that they are not getting paid enough. Rather that the greedy .edu squatters I would like the FCC to reclaim the spectrum and then auction it off. I agree with you about other spectrum such as AWS and 700A. However I still thing that the best thing is for Sprint to get hold of Dish's near PCS spectrum and trade them EBS. Let the deal with the .edu spectrum holders.
  21. Robert, when talking about Sprint's contingency plans in order to pick up choice spectrum, what choice spectrum are you talking about? I thought neither AWS-3 nor 600MHz was going to count against the spectrum screen. Are you talking about possible spectrum swap/hosting of Dish spectrum? Are they thinking ahead to the lease renewal challenges for EBS? How is the purported JV with Dish playing with the need to secure EBS spectrum they don't already lease? Or acquire BRS they don't already own.
  22. It seems that NII Holdings, the international operations of Nextel, are about into Chapter 11 bankruptcy. I guess there is no money in PTT anymore. Will Softbank be interested? Maybe it will help with IBEZ rebanding. http://www.rcrwireless.com/20140814/americas/latam-nii-holdings-likely-file-bankruptcy-telecom-italia-gvt-counterbid-tag5
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