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Posts posted by bookertdub

  1. Well, so far I'm gonna hold onto my Note 7 until the replacement one comes out in a few weeks. I thought I've heard part of the trigger of these battery explosions in the Note 7 was due to people not using chargers okayed by Samsung, is there any truth to that? Either way, thus far with the Note 7 prior to the recall, I've made it a point to charge the phone with it fully turned off whenever I can (I think at least in my mind it is better for the battery to charge that way). I know I'm playing the odds that nothing will happen to my current Note 7, but I'll take my chances until the replacement Note 7 is available.


    Sent from my SM-N930P using Tapatalk

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  2. I've been wondering, and waiting for that area to get B41. I pass through there all the time on way to work in Encinitas. The site is located somewhere between that big apt complex on Dove, or somewhere behind that Self Serve Yougurt joint I love going to. Did you get any screenshots?

    I took a screenshot of the Speedtest.net report but that was about it. I dunno why every time I try to upload an image, the taparalk app won't let me.
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