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Posts posted by JonnygATL

    LG V30

    Watched a few hands on videos with the device today and am impressed by not just its appearance but with its camera software and audio centric focus as well. Then there's that headphone jack which, for my needs, is still a better fit.  If Google Play Edition models were still made then this would be the dream device I never owned!

    LG V30

    39 minutes ago, WiWavelength said:

    Well, carrier aggregation falls squarely under the umbrella of "RF capabilities."

    Maybe you are referring to other aspects of RF performance.  But no one, to my knowledge, has written up any RF analysis.  Rather, just someone in the peanut gallery says that the "RF in the Pixel 2 XL is really a turn off," and several of you blindly nod in accordance.


    Right. What someone else said and something I have yet to look more into, as I previously indicated.  Once I have time to hear more firsthand reports I'll be able to make a better informed decision which,  as I understand it, is one of the benefits of this forum.  Pure Google and timely updates are hugely important to me but not so much if I can't latch onto a band 41 signal (for example) as well as my pre-existing device (in this case a galaxy S7 Edge) . These considerations are more than worthy of attention. 

    I wouldn't call anything I said even coming remotely close to '"nodding in accordance" but you clearly have your perceptions and I definitely have mine. I have no intention of implying they should necessarily be congruous.

    LG V30

    1 hour ago, WiWavelength said:



    Bemoaning that 3x CA is not 4x CA is like complaining that your 12 inch penis is not a 16 inch penis.

    Nobody needs 4x CA.  Your e-penis already is big enough.


    Amusing ...but misguided.  I was referring to the RF capabilities.  

    LG V30

    On 10/6/2017 at 5:21 PM, rocketr said:

    The RF in the Pixel 2 XL is really a turn off. The V30 is capable of 4X CA and the Pixel is not.  

    Oh I hadn't heard about that.  Wow that can easily be a deal breaker. I clearly need to do more detailed research on the Pixel 2XL before I commit to buying it.

    LG V30

    I'd definitely buy it. Most exciting phone since the Nexus 5. That phone was almost perfect. And, alas, was an LG of course.

    LG V30

    So this is likely the basic blueprint for the Pixel 2XL, I would imagine. Wouldn't you tend to agree? Hell, if not, I'd love to see this thing in a stock Android version. Would be about ideal!

    • Like 1
  1. Rootmetrics seems to agree with you. In their most recent sampling for the second half of 2017 they show the average download speeds slipping very significantly. That's unfortunate but, of course, could be due to any great # of issues, including conducting tests in areas that have always been bad that they perhaps did not sample before. Who knows?

  2. Heads up we are here in Hopkinsville, Kentucky and though we roamed on AT&T and Bluegrass Cellular LTE on the way in, we have good Sprint native LTE coverage here on band 25. I'm including a screenshot that shows my phone connected to Sprint band 41 6th carrier (?) while sleeping after 3 a.m. last night. This was also in Hopkinsville. I think it might mean Bluegrass Cellular? I know there is no 6th Sprint band 41 carrier so maybe Mike or AJ could shed some light (see what I did there?) on what may truly be going on.


    • Like 1
  3. Yeah I read that earlier and thought, "um....no." Nowhere near enough of these have likely been shipped to any given city or town yet to make any difference whatsoever in network performance aside from the specific building in which that isolated magic box happens to be located. For instance I noticed I had a strong LTE signal in a restaurant here in midtown Atlanta where I used to struggle to even send a text. Per SCP, it was due to a MB. I asked and, sure enough, there it sat by the host desk. This was Rosa Mexicano in Atlantic Station for any Atlantans reading this.

    • Like 1
  4. It does make since only real world used has deemed this "up to 30%" difference your talking about not noticeable from a non HPUE device.

    Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

    I'm sorry but I'm not quite understanding what you're trying to say. Can you clarify?
  5. And the trolls are incessant in their Sprint bashing. Again, if it doesn't work for you, simply don't use it. For most people - especially urban and suburban dwellers - Sprint's service is more than adequate and is improving each quarter.
    • Like 10
  6. HPUE will make absolutely no difference with the downlink. However it will make a lot of difference when Sprint turns on VOLTE.

    That's not exactly true. As I understand it, HPUE does affect the uplink but not in the manner you are describing. The device will be capable of uploading at a farther distance from the closest macro tower, thereby enabling said device to stay on band 41 for longer (up to 30% more distant than a non HPUE device). The uplink transmission power of the device is the limiting reagent in this equation.


    This also means that average download speeds should also theoretically increase as the device remains on b41 longer.


    Make sense?

    • Like 2
  7. IIRC, when I was in Savannah in March, there was no B41 at all. The network performed well enough for my uses (except at the hotel in Richmond Hill), but there was definite room for improvement.


    - Trip

    Oh per SCP we were both on b41 mini macs with 2XCA in the beautiful historic district. But that was not every spot in the district and was not at all the case at the beach (Tybee Island) where we languished on mostly unusable 3G.


    But those Nokia Mini macs are the silver lining. The fact that just this spring there was zero available band 41 and now speeds of 40 mbps can be had in isolated locations is at least a sign that some (though not enough) work is being done by Sprint contractors in the GA/SC coast market.

    • Like 4
  8. Redspark: you made a very strong argument. Great points. I had not thought of it that way before (primarily because I do value voice quality more than most).


    Perhaps it is a generational thing. Milennials likely favor data over voice and that makes sense as they have been the target of team magenta's marketing for quite some time.


    Either way, Sprint needs to keep up the good work they've been doing by filling in those band 41 holes.


    While the network is spectacular in Atlanta, we are currently on vacation in the Savannah/Hilton Head area and the network here...uh...well, it needs some major investment to even begin to approach the level of performance in the A.

    • Like 2
  9. People keep saying this, but in my experience it's horrendous. It's been the case for years, Galaxy S4 (1x800 only when that was prioritized in the PRL, 1x1900 was fine), Nexus 6, 6P, and Pixel XL. It seems to be I'm mostly in congested areas, in more rural areas or at night it's usually fine. I think CDMA carriers are overloaded with voice calls, and quality goes to shit to handle more calls. With the refarming it's just gotten worse to the point I use Hangouts for calls now. I can't understand a word the other person says during peak usage, it's all garbled.

    For this reason I can't wait for VoLTE. Their CDMA network is useless to me for voice calls in its current state.

    Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

    Your experience does not seem to be the norm but, rather, a very unfortunate aberration; an outlier situation.


    Unfortunately Sprint just doesn't have the required density yet for VoLTE in most areas and won't for some time.


    Of course the most obvious way to get around this is by using Wi-Fi. With Wi-Fi, we can all have simultaneous voice and data. It has always been thus.


    The only time you find yourself generally always without Wi-Fi is when in your car. But, so long as you're not a passenger, the last thing you need when driving is the ability to both surf the web AND be on the phone. To me that sounds like a recipe ripe for suicide.

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