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S4GRU Member
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Status Updates posted by KinMcKey

  1. This lady just called me mami... I thought when I cut the hair that would stop.

  2. Why are his tweets still showing up on my timeline? I don't understand.

  3. Anything red can give me heartburn.

  4. Lowered Expectations.

  5. I usually always give homeless people what I can. Not this one.

  6. Is that when you use mustard to do it?

  7. Adasis is sleep, Trevor's busy, both Chris' are either asleep/busy and I need one of them right now.

  8. Driving always helps.

  9. Ke$ha makes some seriously catchy tunes.

  10. ! RT @ToneOfARCADIA: The sense of urgency I feel when I HAVE to put a song on my ipod before I leave for work.

  11. We never got to play Guild Wars together.

  12. Ms. Swan made an appearance.

  13. And I refuse to go with anyone.

  14. And I'm going to stay cryptic.

  15. Rendera on suicide watch again. Worry.

  16. They still don't have Florida's decision?

  17. She had a flag in her weave. A flag.

  18. Why should we? RT @Partinaire: Straight niggaz don't talk about how soft they hair is...

  19. I gotta record this, it doesn't come on every week.

  20. Bad Girls Club: Morehouse is gonna be everything!

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