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S4GRU Member
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Status Updates posted by KinMcKey

  1. They gave us front row seats in this restaurant.

  2. Ride it. My pony.

  3. I will continue to use mon.

  4. It's looping in my mind.

  5. I don't mean Rihanna either.

  6. I cringe every time I think about that.

  7. Summer and Kay-Diene still make me sick.

  8. What does eggnog taste like?

  9. It's true. I will steal you from your friend and leaving them hating you. I have a track record.

  10. I've seen enough bad weaves for a lifetime today.

  11. Excitement, nervousness, joy, anxiety.

  12. As vain as I allow.

  13. "Page not found. Please try reloading your browser." RT @Partinaire: @KinMcKey bitch you love http://t.co/AH2lWx4a

  14. We R Who We R always reminds me of being in Tallahassee...:/

  15. These videos are making me laugh so hard.

  16. Freedom of it also means freedom from it.

  17. *cracks knuckles*

  18. Light of the Evenstar.

  19. Which ever one of you tried to retrieve my Facebook password, just ask and I'll tell you what it is. No need to go behind my back.

  20. Royal Albert Hall.

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