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S4GRU Member
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Status Updates posted by KinMcKey

  1. It's still summer in Miami, unfortunately.

  2. The 23rd of loneliness.

  3. Apparently I'm very good at making people think I don't like them.

  4. Y'all still trying to get my Facebook password. So rude of you.

  5. This conversation is not of God.

  6. Worst Internet ever.

  7. You will NOT use my phrase. @JAYstarrah RT @HalfMartian look at you. Look at me. http://t.co/FJJMjYHX

  8. I feel so nauseous.

  9. She was trying to have a beautiful microwaved dinner by camera light and they wouldn't let her have that in peace.

  10. Reading Cloud Atlas.

  11. The text I just received...

  12. And the heck is for dinner tonight?

  13. He went to Jared.

  14. KinMcKey = Nik McKey, by the way. I couldn't fit Naima in there.

  15. Extremely awkward.

  16. ???? “@BornDee_: *OTIS YELL* RT @Tampico_Papi: Since we're on church videos...http://t.co/WorHnnTn”

  17. Where is my heart?

  18. I need iMessage friends please.

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