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Status Updates posted by KinMcKey

  1. Is gas on sale today? That's all I need.

  2. I waited in line all of 30 minutes and had the most successful Black Friday ever, lol.

  3. I just find it ironic that she's singing about it being a woman's world while sounding like a man. That's all.

  4. This 60 year old crack head just said it's FFF day. Football, food, and females. Bye.

  5. I wish my friends would just show up here like theirs do. We wouldn't be friends anymore.

  6. A new El Perro Del Mar album? Let me go die a happy death.

  7. They've started to play that precious lamb song. Let me put these headphones on.

  8. I should be asleep.

  9. Tales From Earthsea was one of my least favorite Studio Ghibli movies.

  10. I'm fed up with those two.

  11. I hope he's having a good birthday.

  12. I shouldn't feel lucky when I have service.

  13. I really just lost my phone in my house.

  14. I met Kroy last night.

  15. This is like being in a foreign country.

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