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Status Updates posted by KinMcKey

  1. I swear whenever I go out I ask @kataratr and her lopsided husband if they want something. I'm just gonna stop.

  2. Father forgive me for indulging in Publix Bakery.

  3. Soul food doesn't photograph well.

  4. That really helps with this situation.

  5. Why am I up? I need answers.

  6. The left side of that picture is like a Canadian off South Park.

  7. But I ain't one to gossip so you ain't heard it from me.

  8. What are we having for lunch?

  9. Adasis got us lost. Dear God.

  10. The back alleys. RT @DatBishKray: Is she touring alleys and whatnot? «@KinMcKey It was J.Lo's final stop in the US. LMFAO!»

  11. I almost said something really mean to everyone in that status with one foul swoop.

  12. She sounds like Moaning Myrtle. :(

  13. "We send a lot of e-mails. Here's why." You're damned right you do, threatening ones at that.

  14. His fingers are hideos.

  15. This rain won't let me be great.

  16. Kim Wayans is in this movie!

  17. I can't keep up.

  18. Tears! Real tears!

  19. Computer charger broken. Sigh.

  20. These Dora videos have me in tears.

  21. I've got 311 looping in my mind.

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